Prison Radio Audio Feed

Wabash COVID Outbreak (5:30) Christopher Trotter



Hello, my name is Christopher Trotter. I'm coming live inside the belly of the beast at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility, Carlisle, Indiana. At this moment, the facility is on lock-down due to COVID-19. A upkick in cases as a result of staff transferring it inside to prisoners. Again, as a result of staff transferring it inside to prisoners. Right now, they have over 50 cases in the last two days—positive cases—amongst the prison population here at Wabash. They've isolated a few prisoners. They did no contact tracing. They did no mandatory testing. And so as a result, this pandemic could get worse in prison. Prisoner lives matter too. And Indiana is a rich state. And instead of them taking the necessary precautions to open slowly, they were concerned about the economy. Economy over lives. You know, that's what this capitalist system is all about. Property over human life, capital over human life. And what we hear this day they call herd, H-E-R-D. What they're saying is just let this run rampant throughout