Prison Radio Audio Feed

Doing Hard Time (1:32) Bilal Abdul-Salam Bey.



My name is Bilal Abdul-Salam Bey. I am a prisoner at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility here in Hutchinson, Kansas. My commentary is called "Doing Hard Time." About a month ago, the prison was locked down due to 10 staff members catching Corona and 84 inmates testing positive. And over the time, we were only allowed to go to yard on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. However, even though it's 32 degrees outside, we were only allowed-we weren't allowed to go to the gym. We were still outside, because they said being at the gym could spread the virus. Then a little while after that, they came with flu shots and offered the inmates that took the flu shot $5, if they would take the flu shot. However, I believe this is a trick in order to do the vaccination trial process and test it on prisoners to see how we would-how it would affect us. Again, my name is Bilal Abdul-Salam Bey. My prison name is Charley Hughes, number 96576. Hutchinson Correctional Facility, P.O. Box 1568. Hutchinson, Kansas, 67504. Thank you fo