Prison Radio Audio Feed

A Comrade's Story (5:48) Peter Mukuria



Revolutionary greetings, this is comrade Pitt here at Red Onion State Prison. I'm calling in with a commentary based on this story that a comrade of mine shared that I'd like to share. It's title- she started off with saying," I wrote something this week too after a 27-year-old was stabbed 37 times for stealing something he probably didn't steal. The message of despair that filled up my JPay inbox inspired me to write this." The title of it is called "On Life and Death" by Rebecca Hensley. I remember when I got the call that my son [inaudible] for a black-for a black gang of Fort Lauderdale was dead. I hit the floor like a fallen tree. The fall [inaudible] my head my brain reeling. And the body was at the morgue and because he had already been identified, they would only let me see a photo of his face already deformed by rigor mortis. A young female doctor about to do an autopsy told me he was a handsome man. It was February 27, 2000. They kind of day no mother ever wants to see. I know because I have a tatto