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Crippling Patriarchy (5:20) Peter Murkuria



Hey, this is comrade Pitt Peter Kamal Mukuria 1197165, currently here at Red Onion Resort. The essay is titled "Crippling Patriarchy And Eradicating Antiquated Social Norms." And I'm gonna start with a quote by Sarah Grimke. She stated that "I have no favors for my sex. I surrender not our claim to equality. All I ask our brethren is that they would take their feet from our necks and permit us to stand upright on the grounds which God has designed us to occupy. To me, it is perfectly clear that whatsoever it is morally, right for men to do is also morally right for a woman to do." Yeah, a revolutionary man prides himself on being supportive of gender equity and fight patriarchy of all forms in display for women's liberation. There are many forms of patriarchy, which exist as we know that most of us oppose, but yeah, we consciously and or subconsciously engage in or perpetuate. Now on this brief essay/commentary, I'm going to present an argument which I anticipate many men, hell, even some women will disagree