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COVID in Ohio (6:04) Travis Nettles "Seven"



Peaceful blessing, my name Seven. You can find me under Travis Nettles. I'm at Toledo Prison in Toledo, Ohio. I'm serving a 20-year-to-life prison sentence. My inmate number is 735142. Travis Nettles, N-E-T-T-L-E-S. Now, I would like to let the world know here at this prison with all this Coronavirus stuff that's going on, I have watched the news and the governor of Ohio, you know, shared that tests is available for everyone on the COVID-19 side. And I decided you and a couple individuals that I'm incarcerated with, we decided to talk to the deputy warden on our way to go to shower. And we asked the deputy warden, like, what's going on, like, what's up, can we get tested? So he said we can't get tested. Sunday night, why we can't get tested? They said on the news that everyone in Ohio that wants to go to get tested if we want to get tested. You know, we want to know if we got it, cause it gets random people that pop up with COVID-19 inside these prison walls. And they really don't say too much about anything.