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Unequal Punishment (2:27) Sergio Hyland



As somebody who has grown up under the fiercely one-sided application of law, I think I'm speaking for most people in poor black communities when I say that our demands for equality are limited to equal punishment. Political leaders often meet our demands with promises of reform, but so-called criminal justice reform is only one part of the problem. Yes, accountability is necessary, but retribution is dangerous because it solves nothing. It brings no closure, nor does it end anybody's suffering.It also distracts the whole of society from our true mission, which is to live amongst each other peacefully, and with the true sense of brotherhood and sisterhood. Progress is slowed when society is forced to focus on punishment, and since punishment is synonymous with retribution in America, I think it's safe to say that retribution functions as an effective check on progress and potential.The U.S. Constitution guarantees every citizen the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Though the