Prison Radio Audio Feed

Irene Morgan Kirkaldy (2:47) Sergio Hyland



What's going on everybody? It’s Uptown Serg again. We're honoring a true hero. I want to take some time to pay homage to an unspoken civil rights hero, one who made history has set the stage for perhaps the biggest civil rights victory during the 20th century. Her name is Irene Morgan Kirkaldy. 11 years before the world would come to know Rosa Parks, Irene Kirkaldy refused to give her seat up to a white passenger on a Greyhound bus headed toward her home state of Virginia. She was quickly arrested and charged with that offense along with assaulting the policemen who tried to arrest her. Two years later in 1946, a case was appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States where the justices ruled that segregation on interstate buses was unconstitutional. Irene Kirkaldy never sought attention or fame for what she did that day, but without those brave actions, a large part of the civil rights movement would be missing. For instance, it was Irene Kirkaldy’s bold resistance that day which led to her hiring a youn