Cottonwood Bible Church Sermons

Justification Causes Resurrection! by Jim Masters


Synopsis did Paul get to this point?1:18-32  Gentile rebellion2:1-29  Jewish rebellion3:1-20  World's rebellion3:21-31  God's remedy (Christ's death, faith)4:1-25 Abraham's faith (righteousnessTwo Great Truth's of the Gospel1. Christ died as a sacrifice for our sins, Our transgressions caused His deliverance.2. He rose again for our justification (focus), Our justification caused His resurrection.We could not be justified if Christ did not physically resurrect from the dead.Justification is now an accomplished realitySo, His Resurrection...1. Is the evidence of approval of God's satisfaction.2. Secures the application of the merits of His sacrifice.OUR JUSTIFICATION CAUSED HIS RESURRECTION!