Sermon Audio from Cottonwood Bible Church
Come, Entrust Yourself to Jesus! by Jim Masters
27/02/2022Who is Jesus? 1. Jesus is the True Temple, 12-21 2. Jesus is the True Sacrifice, 12-21 3. Jesus is the Word-Fulfiller, 22 4. Jesus is the Heart-Knower, 23-25
Raise a Toast to Jesus and His Glory! by Jim Masters
20/02/2022Why should we raise a toast to Jesus? Because... 1. Jesus Glorifies Himself and the Father, Not Her(Mary), 1-5 2. Judaism is Insufficient and Inferior, 6-7 3. Jesus Transform from the Inside Out, 7-9 4. Jesus is Sufficient and Superior, 10 Raise a Toast to Jesus and His Glory, 10-11 How Do We Raise a Toast?
Come, Climb the Ladder! by Jim Masters
13/02/2022Jesus is the Only Ladder to God, 51 Step 1: He is the Lamb of God, 35-36 Step 2: He is the Rabbi, 37-39 Step 3: He is the Messiah, 40-42 Step 4: He is the Old Testament Fulfiller, 43-46 Step 5: He is the Son of God, 47-50 Step 6: He is the King of Israel, 47-50 Step 7: He is the Son Of Man, 51
John (the Baptist) says COME! by Jim Masters
06/02/20221. Jesus is Supreme (not about me),19-26 2. Jesus is Supreme (but Him), 26-28 (30) 3. Jesus is the Lamb of God, 29 4. Jesus is the Baptizer, 31-33 5. Jesus is the Son Of God, 34
Come, Receive, Believe In, Know Jesus! by Jim Masters
30/01/2022Come... Why: Because of who Jesus is How: By believing in Him and trusting Him What: Eternal life is knowing God and Jesus Christ How is Jesus the Ultimate God-Exegeter? 1. He is Full God-Man, 1-14 2. He is Full Reality, 15 3. He is Full Glory, 14 4. He is Full Grace and Truth, 14, 16-17 The Ultimate God-Exegeter, 18
Come, Receive/Believe In/Know Jesus! by Jim Masters
23/01/2022Come...three questions surrounding this invitation... Why: Because of who He is; Messiah/the Son of God How: Be believing in Him/trusting Him What: Eternal life is knowing God and Jesus Christ, whom He has sent Come, Receive! Why? Who Exactly Is This Jesus? 1. He is the God-Revealer, 1 2. He is the Eternal-Originator, 1-2 3. He is the Universe-Creator, 3 4. He is the Life/Light-Giver, 4-5 5. The Human-Illuminator, 9 Is The Word for Real? 6-8 How Should We Respond to Him? 10-13 Not Know, Not Receive, 10-11 Those Who Receive the Word/Light/Jesus, 12-13
Managing Our Uncertain Lives with Our Ever-Certain, Satisfying God by Jim Masters
16/01/20224 Ways to manage life... 1. Praise Our Need-Meeting God, 1-7 How, 1-3 Continuously, 1 Contagiously, 2 Corporately, 3 Why, 4-7 1. Fear Our Goodness-Giving God, 8-14 The Benefits of His Goodness-Giving, 8-10 Our Lifestyle because of His Goodness-Giving, 11-14 3. Cry to Our Righteous-Looking God, 15-18 Towards, 15 4. Trust Our Promise-Keeping God, 19-22
Have a God-Praising Perspective! by Jim Masters
09/01/2022Give Praise to Yahveh God. 1-3 Because of His Word, Work, and Wonder, 4-5 In Creation, 6-11 Word> Work> Wonder> Response (way to praise) Fear because of His Omnipotence and Sovereignty Response: Fear Yahveh, 8-9 Omnipotence Sovereignty: Ruling All Things, 10 Sovereignty: Ordaining All Things, 11 In Election, 12-19 Word> Work> Wonder> Response (way to praise) Fear because of His Omniscience and Omnipotence and Love Omniscience, 13-15 Omnipotence, 16-17 Omniscience: He Knows His People, 18 Love, 18-19 Final Ways to Praise Him, 20-22 Rejoice in God, 21 Hope in God, 22
Our Good Shepherd Fully Gratifies Us! by Jim Masters
02/01/20228 Gratifying Gifts from Our Good Shepherd 1. He Gives Us His Rest, 2 2. He Gives US His Peace, 2 3. He Gives Us His Renewal, 3 4. He Gives Us His Guidance, 3 5. He Gives Us His Comfort, 4 6. He Gives Us His Provision, 5 7. He Gives Us His Goodness and Love, 6 8. He Gives Us Himself, 6
Demonstrate the Truth! God's Formula to Accomplish This! by Jim Masters
26/12/2021Sound Teachers and Sound teaching plus Sound Doctrine Equals Sound Living, 8 Bad Doctrine Leads to Bad Deeds, 9 Bad Teaching Comes from Bad Teachers, 10-11 Know Grace plus Follow Grace equals Live Grace, 12-15 All By God's Grace, 15
Remember... Demonstrate the Truth! by Jim Masters
19/12/2021Remember! Don't Forget! 1-2 Don't forget! Remember Because... 3 reasons 1. Remember Who You Were? Have You Forgotten? 3 2. Remember Who God Is? Have You Forgotten? 4-5 3. Remember What God Has Done? Have You Forgotten? 4-7
Demonstrate the Truth! Why! by Jim Masters
12/12/2021God's Grace! It Brings Salvation to Humanity! This grace/salvation consists of 7 different aspects... 1. Incarnation, 11 2. Sanctification, 12 3. Consummation, 13 4. Crucifixion, 14 5. Redemption, 14 6. Purification, 14 7. Sanctification, 14 And This Grace is Most Essential, 15
How do we DO This? Ladies by Jim Masters
05/12/2021Older Women, This is How,3 Younger Women, This Is How, 4-5
How Do We Do This? by Jim Masters
28/11/2021Older Men, This is How, 2 Younger Men, This is How, 6 Titus (Older Men, Again), this is How, 7-8 Slaves (work force), This is How, 9-10
Silence the Wrong Men! Reprove God's People! by Jim Masters
21/11/2021The Character of These Wrong Men: 10, 16 So, Silence Them: 11 Why? Because they were overturning whole families: 11 The Character of the Cretans: 12 So, Reprove Believers: 13 Why? Because this testimony was true: 13 Reprove Believers for a 2 - fold purpose: 13-14 Contrast: Pure vs. Impure: 15 Why? Their Mind and Conscience were Defiled
And This Really is the Truth! by Jim Masters
07/11/2021Not messing around: this is serious? 1, 3 Slave/Command, Apostle/Entrust To Do What? To Further the Faith of God's Elect, 1 To Further Knowledge of the Truth, 1 Slave/Command, Apostle/Entrust...Based on What? Hope of Eternal Life, 2 And This Hope Is Based on God's Promises, 2 - 3 Titus: True Child is that Same Truth, 4 Two Promises from God's Word: Grace and Peace, 4
Strike a Gospel-Pose! by Jim Masters
24/10/2021Strike a Gospel-Pose because God Gove This To YOU, 15 Base your Pose upon His/Her Identity, 16, 10-13 Base Your Pose upon Your Identity, 14 Base Your Pose upon the Relationship, 8-9, 17-20 Convinced of Gospel-Obedience, 21 Reminder of His Love,22 Encouragement, 23-25
Why Membership? by Jim Masters
17/10/2021Why Membership? 5 Reasons 1. Christians need to be shepherded by a pastor(s) of a local body. 2. It expresses your commitment to a particular local body. 3. It confirms from that local body your salvation. 4. It is how we, as a local body, can evangelize the world. 5.It is how a local body exposes false gospels.
Why Elders / Pastors & Deacons? by Jim Masters
10/10/2021Because Jesus loves His body by giving them gifts and serving them.... 1. Pastors or elders are called to shepherd God's people. 2. They shepherd and teach the body to equip them for ministry. 3. They shepherd and teach the body unto death and growth.