Sermon Audio from Cottonwood Bible Church
Pursuing You Your Whole Life by Jim Masters
26/09/2021Your Whole Life... In Worldly Attractions, 1-4 In Deadly Deceptions, 5 Through Taunting Temptations, 6-16 In Willful Buckling, 16-17 Trapped! 18-19 Alone! 20 Through Disciplining Humiliation, 21 But Not Alone! 22 Through Disciplining Humiliation, 23-27 Creating a Heartfelt Cry, 28 The Wonderful, Gracious Love of God, 29-30 Victorious Tragedy, 30-31
Just Not How You Expect It! by Jim Masters
19/09/2021God's Creative, Unexpected Way #1, 1-5 God's Creative, Unexpected Way #2, 6-8 Israel's Mediocrity, 9-13 God's Creative, Unexpected Way #4, 14-20
Despite Our Failures and Weaknesses by Jim Masters
12/09/2021Despite Failures and Weakness, 1-3 God's Purpose, 4 God's Glory, 5-6 Despite Failures and Weakness, 7-18 God's Glory and Love, 19-20
Displayed in His Gracious Providence by Jim Masters
29/08/20211. God's Providential Act with Ephraim, 1-7 2.2. God's Providential Act with Ibzan, Elon and Abdon, 8-15
The Fear of the Lord by Jason Drumm
01/08/2021Fear - We love and Hate it! Fear and Love are best together?? The Bible tells us to Fear God and Not to Fear God! How do we Delight in the Lord? Wrong fear drives us away from God - afraid of judgement. Right fear of God drives us close to God. Those who run from God are chased by Him! Those who cling to Him are led by Him! Stop looking at others and turn to Him!
And It's a Jealous Love by Jim Masters
25/07/2021Yahveh's Compassion, 1-5 Isreal's Lack of Desire, 6 Yahveh's Jealousy, 7-9 Israel's Cry of Confession, 10 Yehveh's Jealous Rebuke, 11-14 Israel's Cry of Confession and for Deliverance, 15 Isreal's Supposed Repentance, 16 Yahveh's Compassion, 16
God's Preserving Grace by Jim Masters
11/07/2021So God by His grace preserves us - His people AMID what? 1. Amid our lack of Unity, 20:1 - 3 2. Amid our lack of Truth, 20:4 - 7 3. Amid our lack of Doing Right, 20:8 - 47 4. Amid our lack of Grace, 20:48 (Brutality) 5. Amid our lack of Wisdom, 21:1 - 12 6. Amid our lack of Consistency, 21:8-25
Open Idolatry - The Danger of Self-Seeking Pragmatism by Jim Masters
04/07/2021The People Need a King, 1 Disbelief, 1 Self-Seeking Pragmatism, 1 - 6 Violence, 7 - 12, 27 - 29 Selfishness and Deception, 13 - 20 Bullying, 21 - 26 Open Idolatry, 30 - 31
His Love Sovereignly Judges and Disciplines by Jim Masters
20/06/20211. God takes seriously if or love for Him is rivaled, 8:33 - 35 2. God takes seriously those who oppress His people, chapter 9
How Blessed is the One Forgiven by John Filkey
13/06/2021How Blessed is the One Forgiven, 1 - 2 Double Blessing of Forgiveness, 3-7 Blessed Outcome of Forgiveness, 8 - 11
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly... But God's Gracious Love Remains by Jim Masters
06/06/2021God's People are Sinners and Need Gracious Love, 1 - 17 2. Leaders of Gods People are Sinners and also Need Grace, 18-32
God's Power Perfected inOur Weakness by Jim Masters
30/05/2021God Makes Us Weak, 1 - 3 God Makes Us Weaker, 4 - 8 Why Does He do This? 7:2 God Gives His Assurance, 9 - 15 Trust God & Do What He Commands, 16 - 25
He is Graciously Patient with Us by Jim Masters
23/05/2021God is Graciously Patient... 1. He Cares More about Our Love for Him than Us Having a Pain-Free Life, 1-10 2. He Loves to Come Down to Our Level, 11-24 3. He Calls Us to True Repentance and Fervent Love for Him, 25-35 4. With Our Small Faith, 36-40 His Gracious Patience is a Sum Picture of the Gospel If He is so graciously Patient with us, shouldn't we be graciously patient with each other as Jesus body?
Praise Him for This Great Love! by Jim Masters
16/05/2021Praise Yahveh, 1-3 5 Reasons to Praise Yahveh in His Saving Israel... 1. Because of His Explosive Action as Israel's Champion, 4-5 2. Because He Rescued His Oppressed People, 6-8 Praise Yahveh, and Everyone Sing to Him, 9-11 Yahveh's Call to Unity, 12-13 Glaring Disunity (Warriors vs. Chickens), 14-18, 23 3. Becauseof whet He Did to Canaan, 19-22 4. Because of How He Used Jael, 24-27 (She's Blessed!) 5. Because He Mocked Sisera's Mother, 28-30 The Main Impact/Application, 31 A Foretaste A Prompting
God Loves His People in Spite of Them by Jim Masters
09/05/20211. God Loves US in Spite of our Sins 1:3, 14 - 16, 23, 24 But He Will Discipline US! 2. God Loves Us in Spite of our Weakness 3. He Orchestrates All Thing in His Providence 9 - 11, 17 - 22
God's Grace at Work by Jim Masters
02/05/2021 Othniel, 7-11 1. God takes seriously if our love for Him is rivaled 2. God loves to save us from trouble Ehud, 12-30 3. God takes seriously those who oppress His People 4. God is never dull or boring; His ways are creative and unexpected 5. God loves to be actively involved in the dirty issues of life Shagmar, 31 6. God uses the obscure for His own glory
The Dangers of Subtle Mediocrity by Jim Masters
18/04/2021 Follow Leaders, but in the End, We Follow Christ. 1:12. Pursue Extraordinary Love for Christ, not Mediocrity, 1:2-363. Be Faithful and Obey Jesus, even in the Small Things, 1:2-364. Subtle Toleration Easily Leads to Sinful Desertion, 19-365. True Repentance Remembers God's Love in Christ, 2:16. True Repentance Results in Loving-Obedience, 2:27. God Disciplines His Children, 2:38. Pursue True Repentance, Not Emotions/Rituals, 2:4-5