Cottonwood Bible Church Sermons

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Sermon Audio from Cottonwood Bible Church


  • Justification Causes Resurrection! by Jim Masters

    04/04/2021 did Paul get to this point?1:18-32  Gentile rebellion2:1-29  Jewish rebellion3:1-20  World's rebellion3:21-31  God's remedy (Christ's death, faith)4:1-25 Abraham's faith (righteousnessTwo Great Truth's of the Gospel1. Christ died as a sacrifice for our sins, Our transgressions caused His deliverance.2. He rose again for our justification (focus), Our justification caused His resurrection.We could not be justified if Christ did not physically resurrect from the dead.Justification is now an accomplished realitySo, His Resurrection...1. Is the evidence of approval of God's satisfaction.2. Secures the application of the merits of His sacrifice.OUR JUSTIFICATION CAUSED HIS RESURRECTION!

  • What is True Prayer by Jim Masters

    28/03/2021 True Prayer... 1. Cries for God's Help (1a,c) 2. Rests on God's Vindication (1a) 3. Depends on God's Grace (1c) 4. Lists Out Our Petitions (2, 6a) 5. Results in Godly Responses (4, 5) a. We Meditate in our Hearts b. We Silence our Mouths c. We Sacrifice our Lives d. We Submit our Wills 6. Asks for God's Presence (6b) 7. True Prayer Relies on God's Faithfulness a. God relieves (1b) b. He Marks (3a) c. He Hears (3b) d. He Gives... Joy, 7 Peace, 8 Why could he rely on God's faithfulness? Because of God's Security, 8

  • From Despairing to to Delighting in God! by Jim Masters

    21/03/2021 1. Our Attitude Begins with Despair, 1 - 2 1a You've Fogotten ME 1b You've Hidden from ME 2a I am Discouraged 2b I am Defeated 2. Our Attitude Moves to Desire, 3 - 4 3a Remember Me 3b - 4 Illumine Me 3. Our Attitude Climes to Delight, 5 - 6 5a I Trust 5b I Rejoice 6 I Sing Why could he trust, rejoice, and sing? Because HE had dealt bountifully with me. Song - Why should Cross and Trial Grieve Me?

  • What Makes for Right,True Worship? by Jim Masters

    14/03/2021 Recognize God's Sovereignty, 1 - 22. Meet God's Conditions, 3 - 6Righteous Hands, 4Righteous Heart, 4Righteous Mouth, 4Righteous Imputation, 5Righteous Pursuit, 63. Praise God's (Jesus)' Glory, 7 - 10

  • All because of Jesus! by Jim Masters

    07/03/2021 1.Based Upon Jesus' Work, 19-20 2.Based Upon Jesus' Person, 21 3.Based Upon the Person and Work of Our Lord... Persevere in Faith, 22 4. Grasp Firmly in Hope, 23 5. Be Roused Toward Love, 24-25

  • Evidences of Faithfulness (to the Gospel) by Jim Masters


    Cottonwood Bible Church— Cottonwood Bible Church (@BibleCottonwood) February 28, 2021

  • Pivotoal Commands for Church Life by Jim Masters

    21/02/2021 Flee, 112. Pursue, 113. Fight (for the Faith), 124. Grab (Eternal Life), 125. Guard (the Command), 13 -14What's Our Motivation? Jesus' Return, 14 - 156. The Awesomeness of God, 15 - 16

  • Danger: The Love of Money! (Godliness Satisfies) by Jim Masters

    14/02/2021 Danger! Why? Vs. 10 What's the Result of the Love of MONEY? 1. Arrogant Compromise, 3 - 5 2. Falling, 9 3. Apostasy, 10 4. Self-Harm, 10 What's the Remedy? Godliness Satisfies, 6 - 8

  • Why Should We Press ON! by Jason Drumm


  • For Slaves by Jim Masters

    31/01/2021 to Unsaved Authority Figures, 1Responding to Saved Authority Figures, 2

  • How to Deal with Elders by Jim Masters

    24/01/2021, Guard These Things, 21SHEPHERDING CURRENT ELDERS, 17 - 201. Pay Them, 17 - 182. protect Them, 193. Purify Them, 19 - 20CHOOSING FUTURE ELDERS, 22 - 251. Be Patient, 222. Be Pure, 22 - 233. Be Perceptive, 24 - 25

  • On Shepherding Members and Widows by Jim Masters

    17/01/2021's Manual for Church LifeOn Shepherding Members, 1 - 2On Shepherding Widows, 3 - 16Command These Things, 7 Command What Things? 6 Commands1. Honor True Widows, 32. Encourage Christian Responsibility, 43. Watch for These Highlights: A Godly Widow,5An Ungodly Widow, 6Why?  Reason #1, To have irreproachable widows, 74. Warn of Irresponsibility, 85.  Enlist these Godly widows, 9-106. Refuse these ungodly widows, 11-15Why? Reason #2: True Widows Helped, Church Unburdened, 16

  • 12 Essential, Practical Commands for Pastors by Jim Masters

    10/01/2021 1. Reject Myths, 7 2. Discipline Towards Godliness, 7 - 10 3, 4. Commands and Teach, 11 5, 6. Let No One Despise Your Youth; Be an Example, 12 7. Give attention: Reading, Exhortation, Teaching, 13 8. Don't Neglect the Spiritual Gift, 14 9, 10. Take Pains; Be in Them 15 11, 12. Give Attention to Yourself & Teaching: Persevere, 16

  • Who We Are and What We Believe by Jim Masters


    PeriscopeHow we live 14-15Who we are 15What we believe 16

  • It Had to be This WAY! by Jim Masters

    20/12/2020 Fully Identifies with US (Incarnation) 14, 17Jesus Fully Saves US (Salvation) 14-15, 17Jesus Fully Helps US (Provision) 16, 18

  • On Church Leadership, Part 2: A Deacon's 'Job Description' by Jim Masters


    PeriscopeGod's Manual for Church LifeElder's and Deacons share the same character description Both live out the Gospel, both lead Godly lives, Men above reproachDeacon = Servant to the pastor/elder and the body.Free up the pastor/elder, delegate responsibilities, serve the bodyCheerleaders and encouragers, higher accountability, worthy of respectReliable, conscience guided by God's word(truth), no divorce-manage home wellStrong in faith with great boldness in sharing the gospel.

  • It's All About the GOSPEL! by Jim Masters



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