Sermon Audio from Cottonwood Bible Church
What's Our Goal? (Stay on Track; Don't Get Side-Tracked) by Jim Masters
08/11/2020Periscope and Gospel Backing, 1 - 2Don't Get Side-Tracked, 3 - 4What's Our Goal? What's Our Focus? 5Don't Get Side-Tracked, 6 - 7BTW: the Character of the Law & Its Purpose, 8 - 11Paul's Task: Keep the Church on Track,11
BLM, CRT, & Intersectionality: A Biblical Response by Jim Masters
25/10/2020 Lives MatterCritical Race TheoryIntersectionalitySo, Why is All of this Such a BIG Deal
We Need Men to Lead the Church - Part 2 Deacons (Servant or Minister) by Jim Masters
18/10/2020Periscope Sunday SchoolPeriscope Church ServiceWrong types of deaconsWhat are biblical deacons?What deacons are NOT!
The Need for Leadership in God's Church - Part 1 : Elders by Jim Masters
11/10/2020PeriscopeWhat are Elders?Why do We Need a Plurality of Elders?Do We Need to be Elder-Rule or Elder-Led?What ARE Biblical Elders?1. They are shepherds of God's flock.2. They are overseers over the congregation.3. They are guardians over God's people.4. They are also men of character.What's the relationship between Elders and the Congregation?How does the Pastor fit into all this?
Thriving in a Hard and Hostile World by Roy Agustin
04/10/2020Periscope2 Tim 3 - Testing of your FaithJohn 15 - Persecution is Normal2 options - trust and hold fast or fear man and minimalized2 Means of Thriving:Humbly appreciate Christian privilege's vs 19 - Confident access to God, Boldness of speech, access to the holy place vs 21 - Consistent advocate in ChristFaithfully obey Christian Responsibility vs 22 - Stay close to God - Let us draw near vs 23 - Stay committed to your Hope - confession type of commitment with out wavering, He is always faithful vs 25 - Stay connected to your church - with love and good deeds. Encourage one another
God uses Difficulties to Advance the Kingdom by Jason Drumm
20/09/2020Obstacles are part of the race!Obstacles are part of the advancement of the Gospel!Galatians 1:6 - 7Paul not concerned about himself, only the Gospel counts.We can rejoice in the Gospels advancement!
Yahveh is for US, His People! Don't Mess with Them! by Jim Masters
13/09/2020Periscope1. Yahveh Rages for His People, 15-162. Yahveh Rescues & Restores His People, 17 - 203. Yahveh Reigns with His People, 21
Yahveh Is for US, HIS PEOPLE! Don't Mess with Them! by Jim Masters
06/09/2020Periscope How can this book encourage and warn us? *Take Courage Saint! The Lord will Avenge US! *God is Very Gracious to US! Be Humbled by His Love! *You WILL Reap what YOU SOW! Be GRACIOUS!God is for His People, so do not mess with them! If YOU DO…… 1. Judgement Comes, 1 - 4 2. Thorough Judgement Comes, 5 - 9 3. Why would Judgement Come? because - What Goes Around - Comes Around, 10 4. Specific Reasons - Hostile Omission, 11 5. Ate Leftovers, 12 - 13 6. Delivered Escapees, 14Result - NO MORE EDOM!
And Who Is the Resurrected Lord by Jim Masters
23/08/2020PeriscopeJesus Was Raised (Vindicated Resurrected Lord), 1 - 10 Lies Are Circulated, 11 - 15
Since He Was Buried for Us! by Jim Masters
16/08/2020Periscope VideoHe Truly Died, 57 - 61He Was Fully Guarded, 62 - 66
Since He was Mocked and Forsaken for Us! by Jim Masters
09/08/2020Play Periscope1. Shamefully Mocked, 27 - 442. Sorrowfully Forsaken, 44 - 50Immediate Results from Jesus' Death1. Promisses Given, 51 - 53 Access, Judgement, Resurrection2. Mission Recalled, 54 - 56The Gentiles, 54The Women , 55 - 56
Since He Faced Injustice for Us by Jim Masters
02/08/2020Unjust Questioning, 11 Unjust Arguments. 12 - 14 An Unjust Plan, 15 - 18 God’s Warning, 19 Unjust Trial, 20 - 23 Unjust Verdict, 24 - 25 Unjust Acquittal and Suffering, 26Periscope Video Sunday School starts at the beginningMusic starts at 1:19Sermon starts at 1:42
And Truly Repent by Jim Masters
26/07/2020Repent... Why? Jesus' Condemnation, 1 - 2 *Not Just Feel Remorse, 3 - 5 *Not a Legalist Code, 6 - 8 *Remember: God is Sovereign Over All Responses, 9 - 10
Since He Faced Denial for US! by Jim Masters
19/07/2020Denial #1, 69-70 Denial #2, 71-72 Denial #3, 73-74 Sad Remembrance, 74-75 Severe Sorrow, 75
False Accusation and Undeserving Humiliation by Jim Masters
12/07/2020False Accusation, 57 - 63 True Testimony, 64 False Accusation and verdict, 65 - 66 Undeserving Humiliation, 67 - 68 Note: missing last few minutes
Since He Faced Betrayal for Us! by Jim Masters
05/07/2020Judas' Betrayal, 47 - 49 Different Actions/Reactions: Jesus: Calm, 50 Disciples: Impetuousness, 51 Jesus; Rebukes, 52 Jesus: Controlled, 53 Jesus: Purposeful, 54 Crowd: Injustice, 55 Jesus: Purposeful, 56 Disciples: Fled, 56
Just Like Jesus Bowed to the Father by Jim Masters
28/06/2020Jesus' Great Distress, 36 - 38 Jesus' Heartfelt Prayer, Alertness & Obedience Disciples' Heartless Pitilessness, Sleepiness & Disobedience, 39 - 45 His Time Had Come, 45 - 46