Sermon Audio from Cottonwood Bible Church
Following This Woman's Example by Jim Masters
14/06/20201. Hatred, 3 - 5 2. Loving Devotion, 6 - 7, 10 - 13 3. Obtuse, 8 - 9 4. Betrayal and Rejection, 14 - 16
Judge of the World by Jim Masters
07/06/20201. Our Judge ( and His Judgement) Comes, 31 2. All Identities are Revealed, 32 - 33 3. The Father's Sheep are Rewarded, 34-40 4. The Goats are Judged, 41-45 5. The Final Destiny, 46
Beware of Inaction (Be a Faithful Steward) by Jim Masters
31/05/20201. Jesus Entrusts Us with His Resources, 14 -15 2. Be a Faithful Steward vs. a Faithless Steward, 16 - 18 3. Faithfulness is Rewarded, 19 - 23 4. Beware: Truth Exposed, Faithlessness Punished, 24 - 30 * Truth & Presumption Exposed: Wicked Lazy Slave, 26 - 27 * Consequences of His Faithlessness, 28 - 30
Beware of Inaction and Be a Faithful Steward by Jim Masters
24/05/20201. Jesus Entrusts Us w/ His Resources 14-15 2. Be a Faithful Steward vs a Faithless Steward 16-18 3. Faithfulness is rewarded 19-23 4. Beware: Truth Exposed: Faithlessness punished 24-30 *Inaction/Faithlessness 24-25 * Truth & Presumption Exposed: Wicked Lazy Slave 26-27 * Consequences of his faithlessness 28-30
A Message to Legalists by Jim Masters
08/03/2020Do and Keep, But Don't Follow, 1 - 3 You Be Different, 8 - 10 And Your Be Humble, 11-13 Learn from these hypocritical, religious leaders by seeing 7 characteristics of legalism so that we can fight this tendency. 1. Enslaving, 4 (Helping) 2. Vainglorious, 5 - 7 (Humble) 3. Controlling, 13, 15 (Freeing) 4. Self-Convenience, 16 - 22 (Integrity) 5. Nitpicker, 23 - 24 (Gospel-Focused) 6. Fake, 25 - 28 (Genuine) 7. Blind (to themselves), 29 - 36 (Attentive/Know Thyself) Result: Judgement, 37 - 39
Many are Called - Few are Chosen - Election! by Jim Masters
23/02/2020God's Gracious Welcoming Call, 1 - 3, 4 Human Rejection, 3, 5 - 6 God's Righteous, Rejecting - Judgement, 7 God's Gracious, Welcoming - Call, 8 - 9 Human Rejection, 10 Human Deception, 11 - 12 God's Righteous, Rejecting - Judgement, 13 The Principle, 14
Worship Jesus with Humble, Obedient Belief by Jim Masters
16/02/20201. Arrogance vs Humbleness 23 - 27 2. Emptiness vs Performance 28 - 32 3. Defiance vs Compliance 33 - 47
5 Ways to Cultivate a Life of Honest Transparency by Jason Drumm
09/02/2020Fear of others knowing the TRUTH about ME! 1 Know God! 2 Don't walk in the darkness of SIN! 3 Walk in the LIGHT- then Fellowship! 4 Don't act like you are perfect! 5 Confess our SINS - Admit that we are GUILTY! He is faithful to forgive our sins! The gate opens BOTH WAYS!
True, Real, Genuine Worship by Jim Masters
02/02/2020Remove Hypocrisy, 12 - 13 Be Welcoming, 14 - 16 Live a fruitful life, 20 - 22
He's Our Compassionate, Humble King by Jim Masters
26/01/2020Our Compassionate King - 20:29-34 Our Humble King - 21:1-11
The King who came to serve! by Jim Masters
19/01/2020How He Served - Matthew 20:17 - 19 Why We Need Him to Serve - Matthew 20:20 - 25 How He Served (Kingdom-Value Shown) - Matthew 20:17 - 19
Jesus Will Graciously Reward YOU! by Jim Masters
12/01/2020Jesus promises great reward, 19:27-30 Jesus warns of presumption, 20:1-16
It's Total Allegiance to Jesus by Jim Masters
05/01/2020Allegiance Probing 16 - 20, Allegiance Revealed 21 - 22, Allegiance to Jesus is hard 23 - 25, Allegiance made possible by God 26
Our Marriages, Singleness and Parenting by Jim Masters
29/12/2019Focus on where God has you now, not the past. Are you married now, be faithful. Marriage is sacred and is a reflection of God's relationship to the body of Christ! picture credit to:
Wrapped in Forgiveness by Jim Masters
08/12/2019No offense is too great - our sin against God is much GREATER! We cannot forgive in our own strength. Forgiveness is not a feeling, not forgetting & not excusing. Forgiveness is an act the will in obedience to God and His Word. Forgiveness is not just a past event, it is an ongoing event in life. This is why we forgive once and continue to forgive. Trust takes time. Forgiveness is not the same a trust. Forgiveness is absorbing the cost of the sin myself. Forgiveness is motivated and based on the Gospel. Forgiveness is a decision modeled after God's forgiveness.