Prison Radio Audio Feed

Failure of the Criminal Justice System (2:57) Torie Chilsom



If the job of the criminal justice system is to reduce and implement sensible means in the elimination of the cycle of crime, it has failed the people of this great country. The answer cannot and will never be as simple as some would have you believe: lock them up and throw away the keys. Those who held that belief failed to consider the backlash in terms of the spiral or decline that such policy would have on communities and the nation as a whole. It saddens me that this beloved country of ours would house the largest prison population on the planet. So it is clear that people of good will have to play a proactive role in addressing and righting the grave injustice. The United States can not continue to claim to be the moral conscience of the world and, at the same time, throw away over 2 million other citizens' lives. And about 600 per 100,000 people, the United States incarcerates a higher percentage of its population in the country. Incarcerating so many people is not good for budgets or for building comm