Reelcinemantics's Podcast

Episode 13: The Podcast Chronicles



I can not believe it has been a month since our last show...holy shit we are sorry for those of you that listen but we should start getting back into a solid routine schedule soon. Anyways, the gang is all here...meaning me (Wade C) and Jeremy G are back for another episode of Reel CinemAntics joined once again by Jose D....the D stands for Deez nutz in his mouth...jk Jose. This week we go on about the fantastic four reboot as well as the unfortunate passing of James Garner. Later we talk about or Netflix movie review of 'The Art of the Steal' and all of the other movies we have seen over the past month. Then we take a stroll down memory lane with VHS tapes as well as the rewinders for them. As always kick back on the couch or any comfortable surface for your ass and enjoy the show.