Reelcinemantics's Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 15:52:23
  • More information



Podcast show about TV & movie news along with rants and raves as well as our own personal outlooks and opinions along the way about anything related...or in other words a few guys sitting around talking about movies.


  • Outtake 2

    09/08/2014 Duration: 01min

    Yep, as I mentioned I would be sharing some of our outtakes and warm ups, this is just a warm up and'll hear us bullshitting about something movie related

  • Outtake 1

    09/08/2014 Duration: 31s

    Figured it'd be funny to post a few of out outtakes/warm ups before the shows that we do, may not be very long but you'll get some laughs out of them, I know I still do. This might turn into a small trend as well for us to post some stupid short clips...either way it's enjoyable. Thanks for listening!

  • Episode 14: Guardians of The Podcast

    08/08/2014 Duration: 01h38min

    Ohhhh yeah, it's your boys Wade C and Jeremy G from coming at you from the cosmos on this episode....well maybe not that far but still another good episode of Reel CinemAntics. Jose D sits in with us again as we talk about news around 'Sin City 3' a little bit about how Wesley Snipes wants to come back for a 'Blade 4' sequel, as well as chat about the Deadpool test footage we saw. Later in the show we go over out Netflix movie review of 'Out of the Furnace' and then we literally gush over 'Guardians of the Galaxy' which to me is one of the best movies I've seen this year and plan to see it again...yes Marvel you will in fact be getting my money're welcome. Strap into your spaceship..or preferred mode of transportation...turn up the cassette tape mix of your favorite jams and listen to something good, something bad, maybe a bit of both with our show. Email: Twitter: @ReelCinemAntics

  • Episode 13: The Podcast Chronicles

    21/07/2014 Duration: 01h20min

    I can not believe it has been a month since our last show...holy shit we are sorry for those of you that listen but we should start getting back into a solid routine schedule soon. Anyways, the gang is all here...meaning me (Wade C) and Jeremy G are back for another episode of Reel CinemAntics joined once again by Jose D....the D stands for Deez nutz in his mouth...jk Jose. This week we go on about the fantastic four reboot as well as the unfortunate passing of James Garner. Later we talk about or Netflix movie review of 'The Art of the Steal' and all of the other movies we have seen over the past month. Then we take a stroll down memory lane with VHS tapes as well as the rewinders for them. As always kick back on the couch or any comfortable surface for your ass and enjoy the show.

  • Episode 12: Podcast Resurrection

    22/06/2014 Duration: 01h50min

    That's right podcast fans, after a small two week hiatus from being on LV-426 your boys Wade C and Jeremy G are back....or resurrected for a new episode, so the game is definitely not over. We apologize on the delay but due to our schedules things just got in the way...but you don't want the excuses, you want to hear what we talk about! This week we dabble a little on everything from the DC movie lineup, rumors about a Batman movie coming back in 2019, all the way to the Netflix move we did NOT see, and then back to our Reel Showdown of Dirty Harry vs John McClane. Also we have another apperance from Jose this week (because he bought pizza). So strap on your combat helmet, grab your plasma rifle (with or without flamethrower attachement) and enjoy the show!

  • Episode 11: A Million Ways To Podcast

    07/06/2014 Duration: 01h06min

    Kicking off the first June episode of Reel CinemAntics and always you have your hosts Wade C (me) and Jeremy G storming your ears like we did at Normandy. Good show this week, we have an appearance from Jeremys friend Jose on the show weighing in with our shenanigans. We talk about A Million Ways To Die In The West, our Netflix review of Cockneys vs Zombies, and then The Reel Showdown segment of Hulk vs Doomsday, and always we talk about the news in TV and film. Kick back with a cold one and enjoy.

  • Episode 10: Back To The Podcast

    29/05/2014 Duration: 01h01min

    That's right folks, with a trail of fire behind the Delorean we are back! I know the last episode wasn't as well received by the masses but hopefully this one will be good to your ears. This week we talk about Batman v Superman getting an offical title, Edgar wrigt leaving Ant Man and Hugh Jackman still interested in being Wolverine even longer? Later we talk about X-Men Days of Future Past, our Netflix movie review of Maximum Overdrive as well as our Reel Showdown of Judge Dredd vs The Punisher! Excited yet? Yes, no...maybe so? Strap on your listening device and enjoy.

  • Episode 9: The Podcast Strikes Back

    19/05/2014 Duration: 52min

    Listen up you primitive screw heads! It's us Wade C and Jeremy G back with a new episode of Reel CinemAntics ready to invade and or be intimate with your ears. This week we talk about relased photos of the upcomig Batman vs Superman movie, S5 of TWD first photo as well as Channing Tatum being casted as Gambit. Later Jeremy talks Godzilla *some spoilers*, we give our Netflix movie review of The Fantasti Fear of Everything and then we announce the winner of our Reel Showdown segment of Deadpool vs Predator! Kick back with your earbuds, get a cold beverage and enjoy!

  • Episode 8: The Amazing Podcast

    13/05/2014 Duration: 54min

    As promised even though a day late, another episode of Reel CinemAntics with me Wade C and Jeremy G! This week we talk about a few reboots...which we always hate *sigh*, TV series Gotham and Constantine drop new trailers. Also our usual segment of the Netflix movie review featuring Mud, then we rant on Hollywoods politcal correctiveness and introduce our new weekly segment of The Reel Showdown where we put two iconic characters against one another in a battle to the death. Kick back with some headphones and enjoy

  • Episode 7: A Podcast far far away

    04/05/2014 Duration: 53min

    Woot!! Another episode of Reel CinemAntics and boy was it a good one! It was a nerdsplosion of new this week for fanboys, comic geeks, and movie freaks everywhere. Star Wars cast announced, The Justice League movie has a director, and The Amazing Spider Man 2 hit theatres this weekend, the latter we discuss during the episode. Also we give our Netflix movie review of Bernie. Can't forget to thank you all for listening and please contact us @ReelCinemAntics on Twitter and May the 4th be with you!

  • Episode 6 : The Podcast Reloaded

    27/04/2014 Duration: 01h08min

    Another episode of Reel CinemAntics for you listeners in podcast land, may your ears to rejoice! This week me and Jeremy G hit up the news talking about Watch Dogs becoming a movie, Super Troopers 2 in the works as well as production starts on Terminator Genesis and Jurassic World. Also we give our Netflix movie review of The Factory, some insigt on a few trailers we saw  this week, and of course the rant section where I go off on Kathryn Heigl! Kick back and enjoy. Also don't forget to give us feedback in email or follow us on Twitter @ReelCinemAntics

  • Episode 5: Podcast with a vengance

    19/04/2014 Duration: 01h09min

    We are back with a vengance people, we had a little hiatus due to the thing called life but we are back on schedule. Grant it there will not be an episode posted Sunday due to Easter but we will go back to a normal schedule afterwards. Anywho on this week's episode we have a lot of news, a couple Netflix reviews and of course our outlooks as to what we've seen recently and what we want to see. May your ears scream for more.

  • Episode 4 : Revenge of the Podcast

    06/04/2014 Duration: 01h17min

    Hot off of the microphone folks, a brand new episode of ReelCinemAntics with me and Jeremy G! This weeks episode we share the news in TV and film once again, we share some of the latest trailers we've seen this week. Jeremy and I talk about last weeks season 4 finale of TWD, our Neftlix reivew of Sweetwater, and most importantly we talk about seeing Captain America 2: The Winter spoilers of the movie...however we will spoil the SHIT out of it next week. Please enjoy for your listening pleasure.

  • Episode 3: Rise of the Podcast

    31/03/2014 Duration: 01h03min

    The third installment of the show has arrived people! Fall in and listen soldiers. I have a co host this week joining me on my rants and raves as well as my news and reivews he goes by the name of Jeremy G! This week we talk about The Walking Dead of  course as well as the latest trailers we've seen, some news, rant one Hollywood reboots (again) and a couple other new segments such as the Netflix movie review of the week. May your ears have an oragasm

  • Episode 2: The phantom podcast

    23/03/2014 Duration: 48min

    Episode 2! Very excited to have my second show done and in the books. Listen in to a few headlines I picked out during the week, my review of the most recent Walking Dead episode. Also listen in to a few rants about video game to big screen movies and a movie I've seen recently

  • Episode one has arrived!

    16/03/2014 Duration: 46min

    The very first episode of Reel CinemAntics, a little rough start but hey it's my first episode. I rant and rave on hollywood reboots, talk a little about news and of course reviews of a couple movies i've seen recently.