Wastelands And Wyverns

29 - Selling Ourselves



Have you ever heard of musical group The Fire in the Sky Band of Merry Gentlemen and Lady. Neither has any of Longmont until the group arrives in town. Things get off to a rocky start right away, but Kringe's silver tongue might be able to save us.  Oh and Maeprys keeps having this strange dreams... Our survival in the wastelands continues with; Nikolai "Kringe" Hellborn (Jordan Thompson), Zunizara Darkeyes (Randy Guerra) Alistane Corvin (Matt Haley), and Maeprys (Haley Zimmer) as they wander a magic filled wasteland with our DM (Matt Hladik.)  If you're enjoying the show then you should leave us a review on iTunes or whatever podcasting service you use! It really helps people discover the show. Dream music by Peder B. Helland You can check us out on our shiny social media pages!  Facebook.com/wastelandsandwyverns Wastelandsandwyverns.tumblr.com Twitter.com/wandwpodcast