Wastelands And Wyverns

24 - Combat Wombats



  Well that didn't go well at all. You can blame Kringe for all of it. Our group find themselves cast out into the cold night among the mountains, some of them are missing a few parts. As they fly off looking for refuge little do they know that soon they will all learn a bit more about themselves.    Our survival in the wastelands continues with; Nikolai "Kringe" Hellborn (Jordan Thompson), Walker Erdekligne (Graham Vaughn), Zunizara Darkeyes (Randy Guerra) Tre (Matt Haley), and Maeprys (Haley Zimmer) as they are exiled from the last known bastion of civilization with our DM (Matt Hladik.)  If you're enjoying the show then you should leave us a review on iTunes or whatever podcasting service you use! It really helps people discover the show.   You can check us out on our shiny social media pages!  Facebook.com/wastelandsandwyverns Twitter.com/wandwpodcast