Wastelands And Wyverns

7 - Hand Gestures



A message from Matt the DM -  I am so so so sorry this one took so long. I had the original upload back on the 13th and somehow the files were mixed up and I ended up only uploading Randy's audio. So sorry for the 10 or so of you who listened to that mess. Well the original copy was corrupt and I had to re-edit this beast from scratch. A whole of other excuses can pile up but this should have been done a long time ago. I apologize sincerely. Now onto the episode.    What we have here is a failure to communicate, but really we're so sorry about how long this episode is. It's really long. Much longer than we ever should have recorded a single episode...but as you'll see we have a fight that doesn't go so well.  The pilgrims decide to check out this creepy house some more because "hey, let's go see our potential doom and try to figure out the DM's foreshadowing" was a popular opinion that night. Later on Walker tries to use some military tactics he learned in ranger school...things could have gone better. Our su