Rise Up For You

Enhancing Leadership In Non - Profit Organizations With Robin



ABOUT: Robin graduated with a degree in Organizational Management from Vanguard University and embarked upon a robust career in the non-profit sector, holding executive positions at Share Our Selves, Habitat for Humanity Orange County, Boys Hope Girls Hope and Casa Youth Shelter, and in 2017, joined Fieldstone Leadership Network as Executive Director. Robin was an Executive Learning Group participant and is a trained Executive Coach and mentor. In her role with Fieldstone, she is responsible for creating a confidential space where nonprofit leaders can safely come together to learn from, and share resources with, one another, through a compendium of professional development programs. STAY CONNECTED: www.fieldstoneleadershipoc.org https://www.facebook.com/FLNOC,https://www.linkedin.com/company/18727390/admin/rsinclair@fieldstoneleadership.org, __________________ Thank you again for joining us today! If you know anybody that would benefit from this episode please share it with them and help spread the kn