Rise Up For You

Episode #321 with Josh Rossi - Don’t Overthink…Just DO!!



ABOUT OUR GUEST: Josh is a widely known photographer and most well known for his viral photography project, where he turned kids with cancer and disabilities into superheroes, #justiceleaguekids. More than 450 million people have seen these photos. In 2017, he was featured as ‘Dad of the Year’ by People magazine next to Mario Lopez, Michael Strahan and John Legend and his work has been featured on HuffPost, Business Insider, CNN, Mashable, and many others. His most recent project is an educational platform called MentorCamp, which he calls…Real-World Education for the New Generation. He created this to help teens learn from the best industry mentors and discover real-world skills that could lead to a variety of profitable careers. STAY CONNECTED: http://joshrossi.com/ https://www.mentorcamp.io/ https://www.instagram.com/joshrossiphoto/ https://www.facebook.com/joshrossiphoto https://www.facebook.com/justiceleaguekids/ __________________ Thank you again for joining us today! If you know anybody that woul