Rise Up For You

Episode #271 Betty Jean Bell- Being Badass



ABOUT: Betty Jean Bell, founder of BeingBadass.com, and has helped successful women around the world to lose weight, improve their health, and love their bodies now, regardless of shape. All while running their businesses, families, and lives. She believes that when you love the body you have, it becomes the body you want. With her radically transformative program You Are A Babe, and with a badass army of ambitious, inspiring women in 20 countries, Betty Jean helps entrepreneurial women transform their confidence, body image, and health with meaningful science, psychology, spirituality, and uncommon action that works. STAY CONNECTED: Email Address: hey@bettyjeanbell.com Business Website: https://beingbadass.com Skype ID: bettyjeanbell Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/beingbadass/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/beingbadass _________________________ Thank you again for joining us today! If you know anybody that would benefit from this episode please share it with them and help spread the knowledge