Rise Up For You

Episode #233 with Eva Vennari- Dismantle the Status Quo of the Sickness Industry



About Our Guest:  Eva Vennari is on a mission to dismantle the status quo of the sickness industry. Having spent most of her adult life suffering from all kinds of conditions and fighting for her sanity she decided to take matters into her own hands. That’s when everything shifted and her body went from being the enemy to being her best and most devoted ally and partner. Eva now teaches worldwide how sensitive people can take charge of their wellbeing and thrive in their lives. RECOMMENDED BOOK:  How Rich People Think by Steve Siebold STAY CONNECTED: https://theelevateinstitute.com/ ________________________ Thank you again for joining us today please check out our webpage at www.riseupforyou.com for more podcast episodes, webinars, articles, free resources, and events to help you get to the next level in your life! You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, and Youtube @riseupforyouIf you know anybody that would benefit from this episode please share it with them and help spread the