Rise Up For You

Episode #228 with Ione Butler- The Power of Uplifting Content



ABOUT OUT GUEST: In a world filled with negative media everywhere, Ione Butler has found an alternative way to educate, uplift and inspire millions with her platform Uplifting Content. Ione has struggled with self-doubt, and negative self-talk for years and in 2016 she finally had enough. She created a platform which today exceeds over 1.3 million followers, to help uplift people by sharing stories and content that focus on the good in humanity. In this talk, she will explain how to overcome your doubts and fears and rise up to be the change you want to see in the world, have impact and spark change. STAY CONNECTED: @IONEBUTLER https://www.upliftingcontent.com/ ____________________ Thank you again for joining us today please check out our webpage at www.riseupforyou.com for more podcast episodes, webinars, articles, free resources, and events to help you get to the next level in your life! You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, and Youtube @riseupforyou If you know anybody that w