Rise Up For You

Episode #215 with Michelle Ngome- Network, Navigate, and Nurture



About Our Guest:  Michelle is also the Founder and CEO of Line 25 Consulting, a marketing firm that focuses on content and social media marketing. She authored the highly acclaimed book, Network, Navigate and Nurture: The Equation to Strategic Networking and Success Undefined: Reject Your Fears and; Frame Your Success. She hosts a weekly podcast called Networking with Michelle, the go-to podcast for African American Millennials discussing life strategies with a bit of entrepreneurial advice.  She has been featured in Inc, American Express, Fox News, Voyage Houston, Moneyish and a lot more. Michelle has spoken to AIG, eWomen’s Network, Urban League, PeopleFund, and a lot more. STAY CONNECTED: Email: info@michellengome.com  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mngome  Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/michellengome  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michellengome  Website: http://michellengome.com Thank you again for joining us today please check out our webpage at www.riseupforyou.com for more podcast epis