Rise Up For You

Episode #202 with Deirdre Hade- The Full Feminine Power



Episode Topic: Are you constantly doubting yourself and ignoring your intuition? This tends to be a problem amongst most of us women! That's why Episode #202 with Deirdre Hade- The Full Feminine Power is one you do not want to miss. Deirdre teaches us how to discover your core value— the energetic inner pillar of your soul purpose and how to easily access intuition, resilience, and clarity of wisdom during uncertainty. This is one episode you're going to want to share! About Our Guest: Deirdre Hade is a born mystic and visionary, a master at shifting the assemblage point, a being who is not afraid to push the edge between the worlds where man and woman’s true freedom can be found. A profound sensitive and mystic, Deirdre’s inner gifts and search for self-discovery brought her under the mentorship of elders and teachers in the mystical Christian tradition, the I Am Presence teachings, the Hindu Vedic tradition and Mussar and Lurianic Kabbalah, which she studied for over 20 years under the tutelage of two es