Rise Up For You

Episode #174 with Colleen Hauk- Live the 'and' Life - Have It All



With over a decade of leadership, training, and consultative selling, Colleen Hauk shares her skills and personal experiences to empower high performing women in their professional and personal lives. Colleen understands the challenges of balancing career and lifestyle firsthand. After suffering her own breaking point, she transformed her circumstances and developed successful methods for a happy, healthy, and balanced life. Now, Colleen provides her audiences and clients with strategies and resources to live the "and" life -- how to have a successful career and fulfilling personal life. Colleen is a Best Selling co-author of the book, Women Who Ignite. She obtained her CPSC certification from Success Coach Institute and she's completed courses with Brendon Burchard, one of the most successful online trainers in history, according to Oprah.com, and Jack Canfield, America's #1 Success Coach and Co-Creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series. Colleen received a Bachelor of Science in Human Services from C