Rise Up For You

Episode #153 with Laura Weldy- Women Supporting Women



Women Supporting Women. Laura Weldy is the CEO and head coach at The Well Supported Woman, a life coaching community and personal development hub for the millennial woman seeking confidence, clarity and connection in her daily experience. The Well Supported Woman offers online courses, in person events and private one on one life coaching to help you take your personal development to the next level. TOP POINTS FROM THE EPISODE: 1. All truly successful and happy women have strong support networks. 2. Learning to identify where you lack support.  3. Learn how you receive support! 4, Leading with value!  5. Don’t ask for support if their not confident in it or have the ability to support you. 6. You’re not doing your best work when you’re all alone! 7. Have strong mentors in your life! 8. Surround yourself with people that know what they’re doing! Thank you again for joining us today please check out our webpage at www.riseupforyou.com for more podcast episodes, webinars, articles, free resources, and events