Big Brothers

BB21 Episode 10: Michelle Costa (BB10) Calls In!



Michelle Costa (Big Brother 10) Calls In!   Power of Vito and Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) give you the best recap you can get, this week in Big Brother. Fresh off a double eviction the brothers are here to talk about what’s going down at the end of the season.   This Weeks Topics:   Swaggy C and Kevin Photo Used In Comp: Did CBS forget about their feud?   Was evicting Tommy a good jury management move for Cliff/Nicole   The unaired house meeting   This week’s HoH     Michelle Costa From BB10 Calls In And Tells us about -Her Trip With Dan / Did it really affect her final decision. -How much do Jury members actually talk to each other -She tells us a wild story about why alcohol was pulled from their jury house -Her thoughts on this season