Big Brothers

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 35:30:00
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Big Brother is all about "expecting the unexpected", and you should expect the same from Big Brothers Vito Calise and Chris Stanley. Nobody can make fun of something like people who love it and these two will be making fun of all the ridiculousness that comes with locking people in a house for 10 weeks. Laugh along with them at the stupidity of the house guests, the stereotypes everyone plays into and the ridiculous rules that Julie Chen loves to throw at the contestants. Get updates about what you may be missing in the new system this year and hear what two dudes who have no right judging people telling you who they think should walk away with 250,000 K.


  • BB22 All Star's Episode 0: BB22 All Star's Preview Edition

    04/08/2020 Duration: 41min

    Big Brothers Is Back! Power of Vito Calise, Adam Pach(from Big Brother 13) and this debut preview episode features the return of former Big Brothers host Chris Stanley. It also features guest Matt Hoffman from Big Brother 12. The guys break down all the rumored houseguests for this upcoming season of Big Brother All Stars. Who do they think is a lock? Who do they think will win? Find out on this episode!     Adam's Player Rankings:     Twitter @HeavyMetalTeddy   Matt Hoffman's Twitter:  @HeadOfHOFFhold

  • BB21 Episode 11: BB21 Jury Roundtable Featuring Glenn Garcia BB18

    24/09/2019 Duration: 51min

    It's the end of a LONG Big Brother season and for the finale of this season's podcast the Big Brothers are joined by Glenn Garcia (Big Brother 18)   This Weeks Topics:   Can Jackson lose? Where does this season rank? Is there any way Nicole can get into the Final 2? Did Jackson play a good Big Brother game or was he just a comp beast? Will this be a bitter jury? Could Cliff be a difference-maker in the jury house? Is there any possibility Holly makes the ultimate game move?

  • BB21 Episode 10: Michelle Costa (BB10) Calls In!

    13/09/2019 Duration: 39min

    Michelle Costa (Big Brother 10) Calls In!   Power of Vito and Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) give you the best recap you can get, this week in Big Brother. Fresh off a double eviction the brothers are here to talk about what’s going down at the end of the season.   This Weeks Topics:   Swaggy C and Kevin Photo Used In Comp: Did CBS forget about their feud?   Was evicting Tommy a good jury management move for Cliff/Nicole   The unaired house meeting   This week’s HoH     Michelle Costa From BB10 Calls In And Tells us about -Her Trip With Dan / Did it really affect her final decision. -How much do Jury members actually talk to each other -She tells us a wild story about why alcohol was pulled from their jury house -Her thoughts on this season

  • BB21 Episode 9: Wacko Jacko

    07/09/2019 Duration: 42min

    Power of Vito and Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) give you the best recap you can get, this week in Big Brother. Fresh off a double eviction the brothers are here to talk about what’s going down at the end of the season. This Weeks Topics: Jackson and Holly's Strange Fight: Is Jackson just using Holly for game? This Week's HoH Winner Jury Management This Year Does The Pawn “Always” Go Home Would Nicole be one of the least deserving winners of all time? Holly’s never been nominated Swaggy C and Bayliegh will be on Sunday's Show: Why only BB20 hosts this year> Jokers Rankings Adams Rankings on Big Brother Network.Com  

  • BB21 Episode 8: The Zingbot Zingeth

    30/08/2019 Duration: 33min

    Power of Vito and Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) give you the best recap you can get, this week in Big Brother with about a month left in what seems like a never-ending season. This Weeks Topics: ·         HoH: Who is the HoH targeting and why this is kind of a shock. Is it an idiotic decision? ·         Jackson: Is his edit getting better or is he just acting better? Does CBS need his edit to be good to have a hero for the season. ·         Zingbot: Are his sings getting meaner and meaner every year? Do these little jokes somehow effect the game and Houseguest opinion on each other? ·         Adam’s Big Brother Network Rankings: Christie is Number 1, why she gets the title this week even if Adam doesn’t have her as a favorite for BB21 winner. ·         Prank Week: Nicole has become the comic relief for the show with Kat gone. ·         Finally Getting Our Double Eviction – Is this the best time for one? are the houseguests expecting it at all? ·         Long Season – Still a Month to go ·         Jokers

  • BB21 Episode 7: The Taco Tuesday Takedown

    23/08/2019 Duration: 35min

    Power of Vito and Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) give you the best recap you can get, this week in Big Brother.   Taco Tuesday - The fight that broke up the house. Analyse – The statement stands, the pawn always goes home and why is it more common this season than ever. Even though this season has had some big moments are vote flips, why does it just not feel fun to watch at all? The newest twist! The Prankster. What will it be and what does it mean for the week. Where does Nick stand now? Christie’s game play. Is she a great player? How did she end up staying this week and can she go further. How many times can Christie’s manifestation be wrong? Did Kaitlyn create a new BB Archetype? This seasons first wall screamer Predictions for the week

  • BB21 Episode 6: Jess-Hive Stans A True Queen

    09/08/2019 Duration: 48min

    This week on Big Brothers, “Power of” Vito and Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) are excited to finally have an exciting week of Big Brother to talk about. Before last week’s live eviction all hell broke loose within the 6 shooters. They turned on each other 80 minutes before the live show and some brave soul leaked the footage to Twitter. The fight was Christie, Tommy and Jack vs Jackson, Kat and Holly and it was over the possibility of Kat Holly and Jackson knowing each other outside of the house … even though Tommy and Christie are the ones that REALLY know eachother. Christie’s behavior in the house is getting more and more erratic by the day. Jess showed up this week in a big big way and took out the almighty Jack, who seemed like he was in a prime spot to completely dominate the game. Jess won both the HoH and PoV and did what Cliff was unable to do a few weeks prior. When Jack was evicted, Julie Chen grilled him on his controversial comments while in the house. For the first time we got to see an evicted hous

  • BB21 Episode 5: Scottie Salton (Big Brother 20) Calls In!

    31/07/2019 Duration: 44min

    This week’s Big Brothers has “Power of” Vito Calise and Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) talking to Scottie Salton on the phone. Scottie was on Big Brother 20 and was a part of some pivotal moments in the game like breaking up the bros (Brett and Winston) by winning Head of Household and Power of Veto in one week and sending Winston home. Scottie also got lots of attention for throwing in a hinky vote and sending his ally Swaggy C home while wearing the guys shirt! Vito and Adam start the episode off by giving you a quick recap of what happened on the show last week and what looks like may be going down this week.

  • BB21 Episode 4: The Shaker Cup Shakeup

    19/07/2019 Duration: 42min

    This week on Big Brothers, Vito Calise and Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) waste no time jumping into game talk. The big chunk of today’s episode has to do with the CBS edit and if it is changing for the better. As live feeders know, Jack has been a tyrant running rampant in the house and spewing hate, for the first time this week we saw that side of him on the CBS primetime show instead of the hero edit we’ve seen. His weird moment with Kemi over a water bottle in the fridge was the first time the casual viewer got to see how much of a jerk this guy can be. But there was plenty more talked about on this week’s episode. Other Topics Jack saved his beard and Adam gives insight onto how this effects production and what the rules are with changing your appearance inside the house. Cliff winning the camp comeback challenge and the HoH. What does this mean for the game? Will we see a power shift or another week of disappointment,. Was it smart for the 6 shooters to expose them turning on their alliance to try and get s

  • BB21 Episode 3: The Cliff Jumpers

    13/07/2019 Duration: 43min

    Power of Vito and Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) are back for another week of Big Brothers. The guys start off admitting that their pre-season prediction were less than stellar, even their week 2 guesses look like shit now. Adam wanted to answer a Twitter question from @MooseShartley about his time in the house and how DR sessions work.   Also Matt and Ali from Hoboken asked Adam about Nick’s Tattoo and we want to know if you think he purposely got it to be made like Taylor Swift or he’s just that clueless. Tweet us your answer @BigBrothersPod   This Weeks Topics: Adam’s Big Brother Rankings: Sam is Number One and THREE TOFURKEYS Get Crowned (Nick, Bella and Cliff) Jackson’s Hinky Vote, is it useful or does it just cause un necessary chaos that comes back to bite the person in the ass. Camp Comeback: Will it stick around for more seasons? Does Camp Comeback and Battleback in general impact early game decisions? David’s game: We said he was aloof and naïve pre-season. Where doe

  • BB21 Episode 2: The Hateful Gr8ful

    05/07/2019 Duration: 45min

    In the first weeks preview episode featuring Matt Hoffman, the Big Brothers really seemed hopeful about this year’s cast. Unfortunately their hopes were not delivered and we may have one of the most unlikable casts in a very long time. Power of Vito and Adam start right off talking about Jack and Jackson, this season’s power hungry bros who have gotten heat outside of the house for comments they made inside of it. These guys are the head of the 8 person alliance named “Gr8ful” that seems to be running things … for now.

  • Big Brothers Season 21 Preview With Adam Poch and Matt Hoffman

    25/06/2019 Duration: 01h15min

    Th e Big Brothers are back for season 21 of Big Brother! It’s been 20 years since the series first premiered on CBS and these guys are excited as ever to give you the scoop. Chris Stanley couldn’t be in for the first episode but “Power of” Vito and Adam Poch (from Big Brother 13) are here with VERY special guest, Matt Hoffman (Season 12).   The premiere is fast approaching so the Big Brothers give you their official pre season picks. This premiere episode features a look at each individual cast member so you don’t need to go watch every pre-season interview yourself. This is a first time ever for the Big Brothers podcast. And as a bonus, not only do you get winner predictions, but predictions for America’s Favorite Houseguest and “Grodner’s Pet”.  The “Grodner’s Pet” prediction is dedicated to Allison Grodner, the Big Brother show runner and it’s the guys choosing who they think will get a little help from production along the way.   Matt and Adam seem very hopeful about this year’s cast, Vito not so much. Vi

  • Big Brothers Jury Round Table: Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) and Enzo Palumbo (Big Brother 12)

    25/09/2018 Duration: 01h26s

      The Big Brother 20 season is coming to an end and the Big Brothers are sick of you only getting a short Jury Roundtable segment on Finale night so wanted to give you their own version hosted by “Power of” Vito Calise with Guests Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) and Enzo Palumbo (Big Brother 12). Both of them were the 3rd place finishers of their season so they never got to be a part of a Jury Roundtable themselves, this is their chance. Topics Discussed on the Round Table Were: Who do we think is going to win? Who has the strongest case? What is everyone’s case to win the game? What was the biggest moment of the season? What points does everyone need to hit in their speech to the Jury? Enzo and Adam give last Jury experience Did anyone deserve to be here more? Lets talk JC possibilities and how that would change the game Where does this rank in Final 2s in Big Brother history. Could Angela’s exit interview prove that Tyler’s game is fucked Was the biggest moment in the game done by someone in the final? What jury

  • Big Brothers Episode 12: JC The Comp Beast / Phone Call with Haleigh’s Friend Bethany

    21/09/2018 Duration: 50min

    The Big Brothers are here to guide you through season 20 and here we are all the way out Final 3! Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) couldn’t be in studio today but called in to give predictions on what Final 2 will be and how this game will end.   The guest for today isn’t a former houseguest or affiliate of the show, it is actually a friend of Haleigh’s from back home named Bethany. Bethany was glad to call in and give her take on the game watching her friend compete and what shocked her the most about seeing her friend on TV. She also gives some insight on Haleigh’s past relationships and if Fessy was a surprise choice for Haleigh in this game.   Other Topics on Today’s Big Brothers   Can JC Win this game?   Does everyone deserve a spot at Final 3 right now and does everyone have their own case to win the game?   Is the Jury too bitter or is what we saw a good indicator that we may get a really fair vote?   If Tyler were to win the final HoH is there any way he can screw over Kaycee and take JC which would

  • Big Brothers Episode 11: Julie Chen Moonves

    14/09/2018 Duration: 39min

    The Big Brothers are back in studio together this week with “Power of” Vito, Chris Stanley and Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) all talking about this week on the feeds and online. This week was everyone’s favorite week in the Big Brother house … Double Eviction. Here’s what the Big Brothers discuss this week.   “Julie Chen Moonves”. Is this the end of Julie Chen on Big Brother? Do we think she will be back next week?   “SaveBBUS” – Is Big Brother in danger of getting canceled after this year? Do we think the show will go on and where could it possibly end up.     Is Tyler sending Brett to jury his strongest game move yet? Will this turn the jury for him or against him?   Is this Tyler and Angela showmance the worst thing for their games?     Will Tyler cut Angela at the end and take Kaycee? What is his best move.   Brett’s goodbye message, was this a Paul level mistake or was there a deeper plan for other houseguests to set that up?     Adam gave Haleigh tofurkey of the week. Vito comes to her defense

  • Big Brothers Episode 10: Hilton Head

    07/09/2018 Duration: 45min

    On this week’s episode of Big Brothers, Chris Stanley and Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) could not make it in to the studio but “Power of” Vito was here to wrangle them in by cell phones and get their take on the week. Here’s what the Big Brothers talk about on this weeks show: The Tyler HoH conspiracy drama. Should he have been Disqualified? Is he Grodner/Production’s pet? Is the game being rigged in his favor? Is Brett right saying the best game move for him could be serving her to the jury house since they hate her so much? Or should he be focusing on taking her to Final 2 as an easy win? Why does Tyler want to keep Tyler so badly? Especially over Angela. We go into detail on JC’s game and how he’s doing better than we’ve given him credit for thus far. Kaycee coming out swinging this week and proving what we talked about a few weeks ago, she had a plan to lay low and then play hard in the second half. Who else said they were going to do this? How did Sam possibly expose Kaycee’s game plan to the house? Scottie

  • Big Brothers Episode 9: The Resurrection of the Virgin King / Johnny Tremmel Calls In

    01/09/2018 Duration: 53min

    No Chris on this weeks Big Brothers, Power of Vito and Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) had some intense conversations on the following subjects, listen to the episode to get these answers and more: Was it dumb for Angela to put up Fessy and Hay? Would it have been better for her to put up Sam or JC since they aren’t in a position to help them stay safe while Fessy and Hay have been very loyal to their side? Did Fessy effectively get into JCs Head by saying he’s next on the chopping block and was it a plan or just some dumb Fessy luck While Tyler’s biggest downfall be everyone talking in jury about their F2 with him? Is he really in the best spot in the house or does Brett have a leg up on him since he’s pretty much-going unnoticed by anyone and not thought to be in any sort of alliance. How do we feel about pipe bomb eviction pleas? Fessy had one on his way out, is he just bitter and ruining people’s game as his game is over? Seeing an entire alliance compete against each other Kaitlyn’s effect on the game, how he

  • Big Brothers Episode 8: Special Guest - Matt Hoffman BB12

    25/08/2018 Duration: 42min

    This week on Big Brothers the guys have an incredible special guest via phone … MATT HOFFMAN from Big Brother 12! @HeadOfHoffhold What The Big Brothers Cover This Week: Tyler not hiding his zingbot fandom was. Where is his Zing Family?! Did Zingbot blow up Angela’s game in some ways? Are the Zings getting too mean? Who is Tyler’s best chance of winning against? Is it Kaycee? Who is playing the better game? JC or Tyler: They’re pretty similar styles. Brett is changing his Goodbye Message style but is it for the right reason? What are the top F2 Odds right now? Is there a Tyler/Angela showmance happening? Is FOUTTE/The Hive the worst alliance of all time? Adam gives his own choice. The HoH Comp last night was a total disaster. Find out why in the episode. Jury Battle back Predictions: Who is coming back? What drama are they bringing with them. The Big Brother Kitchen fire this week. Didn’t Adam do this 7 years ago? What will Angela do as HoH? Who will she put up? Did she want this? If Fessy goes up against Hey

  • Big Brothers Episode 7: Rockstar's Final Gig

    17/08/2018 Duration: 59min

    This “Big Brothers” are here again for another week of guiding you through the most exciting season of Big Brother in YEARS. “Power of” Vito Calise started things off by asking if everyone else thought this was the weakest week so far but Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) was quick to defend it although Chris Stanley agreed he could have used a few more meltdowns.   Follow us on Twitter @BigBrothersPod , @VitoCalise, and @HeavyMetalTeddy   The Topics The Big Brothers Discusses This Week Are: Where does everyone stand on the Hacker Twist? Is it too much power?   Could Brett have made a better game move this week by voting out Kaycee over Rockstar?   Brett’s game is good, but is it short-term thinking?   Tyler’s amazing goodbye message strategy and can Brett being an arrogant prick in his messages somehow help him? Can Tyler keep this up all the way to the end?   Rockstar being the disastrous plater she is: giving Tyler the PoV answer, choosing the wrong final answer, telling Kaycee she was going home and her weak ev

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