Big Brothers

Big Brothers Episode 7: Rockstar's Final Gig



This “Big Brothers” are here again for another week of guiding you through the most exciting season of Big Brother in YEARS. “Power of” Vito Calise started things off by asking if everyone else thought this was the weakest week so far but Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) was quick to defend it although Chris Stanley agreed he could have used a few more meltdowns.   Follow us on Twitter @BigBrothersPod , @VitoCalise, and @HeavyMetalTeddy   The Topics The Big Brothers Discusses This Week Are: Where does everyone stand on the Hacker Twist? Is it too much power?   Could Brett have made a better game move this week by voting out Kaycee over Rockstar?   Brett’s game is good, but is it short-term thinking?   Tyler’s amazing goodbye message strategy and can Brett being an arrogant prick in his messages somehow help him? Can Tyler keep this up all the way to the end?   Rockstar being the disastrous plater she is: giving Tyler the PoV answer, choosing the wrong final answer, telling Kaycee she was going home and her weak ev