Big Brother is all about "expecting the unexpected", and you should expect the same from Big Brothers Vito Calise and Chris Stanley. Nobody can make fun of something like people who love it and these two will be making fun of all the ridiculousness that comes with locking people in a house for 10 weeks. Laugh along with them at the stupidity of the house guests, the stereotypes everyone plays into and the ridiculous rules that Julie Chen loves to throw at the contestants. Get updates about what you may be missing in the new system this year and hear what two dudes who have no right judging people telling you who they think should walk away with 250,000 K.
Big Brothers Episode 5: Johnny Tremmel in Studio
03/08/2018 Duration: 02h07minSo to make up for not doing an episode this week, we did double the time. Chris and Vito were in Montreal and somehow could not access the show at all through the CBS app in a different country. “I’m” Chris Stanley got really sick the night before the podcast and couldn’t make it in so Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) and “Power of” Vito did it on their own. All season the guys have been starting the show saying “this is the best episode yet” and it continues again this week. It’s no BS, the show is just the best its been in years. The cast wants to play the game and nobody is out here playing for second place or even worse, playing for Jury. Adam gives some great Houseguest perspective on this one, about if he ever dealt with HoHitis, getting to do a storage room celebration, how as a houseguest you figure out what’s probably getting on the show and what ends up getting left on the cutting room floor and being in the house when Lawon thought he had “superpowers”. We catch you up on the current house drama and whe
Big Brothers BB20 Episode 4: Enzo Palumbo in Studio
21/07/2018 Duration: 42minOn this week’s episode of Big Brothers, Power of Vito, Chris Stanley and Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) are together again and for the first time this season have a guest. Adam got Enzo Palumbo from Big Brother season 12 to call in. If you watched season 12 then you know about the Brigade, one of the most successful Big Brother alliances of all time.
Big Brothers: BB20 Episode 3: A House Without Swag
13/07/2018 Duration: 48minFor the first time in Big Brothers history, all three of the brothers are in studio together. Remember, before Big Brother 20 had the Bros alliance, we had the Big Brothers. “Power of” Vito, Chris Stanley and Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) are here when you need them most, because the last 2 weeks have been a confusing shitshow and you’re going to need them to hold your hand through all of this. This week was run by the frantic life coach Kaitlyn, and she made her mark on the season. Kaitlyn says her spirit guide told her what to do this week, so apparently Tyler is a part time spirit guide because he’s the one who pulled her strings this week and orchestrated the Swaggy C backdoor. Swaggy did a great job this week and worked his ass off to stay, if the Swaggy we saw this week started off the game he probably could have went far. All of his manipulation tactics weren’t enough though and he got the boot. The brothers cover the gameplay of Swaggy and talk about his casting tape which we saw on the show last nig
Big Brothers: BB20 Episode 1
29/06/2018 Duration: 31minThe Big Brothers, “Power of” Vito Calise and Chris Stanley are back for season 20 and they’ve added a new sibling, Adam Poch (Big Brother 11). Adam was on his way to Disney World so could only do a quick phone call (that Chris Stanley didn’t seem too happy about) but Adam will be more involved in episodes to come. Season 20 is looking great to start. There are NO returning Houseguests, which is a positive after 2 seasons of returnees and the disaster that was the Paul run house of season 19. These Houseguests want to win the game, there doesn’t seem to be anyone right now who is just hoping to “make jury”. This episode of the show is more of a preview for the season. The feeds just started the night before but the boys wanted to get you an episode ASAP. Once the season gets more underway Big Brothers will be the best place for you to go and see what’s happening on the live feeds and what everyone on the internet is saying. Vito’s pick for the BB20 winner is Tyler, Adam’s is Winston and Chris chose JC. Only on
Big Brothers: BB19 Finale Recap with Adam Poch
22/09/2017 Duration: 48minPower of Vito and Chris Stanley are back for the final time to talk about Big Brother 19. The live finale was exciting and ended with Paul once again coming in second place, for those of you keeping track, the second time in a row. Josh, the “human bean” from Miami pulled a move like Ian Terry from Big Brother 14 and used the bitter jury to his advantage and beat Paul in a 5-4 vote. Paul refused to own up to his amazing game and played when questioned by the jury and instead continued to lie to everyone. Normally, this would seem like the reason Paul lost the game but this bitter jury is unprecedented. Elena was straightforward about being bitter and Alex said she was going to vote for Paul until she was told in the Jury House that she was a “joke” to Paul and he talked behind her back the entire game. Paul lost the game from overplaying and what some would call “bad jury management” but everyone will remember he played an incredible game with what he was dealt but had to deal with the issues of what may go
Big Brothers S2 Episode 11: Paul's Pack Of Dogs Bark At The Jury House
16/09/2017 Duration: 37minThe Big Brother season is winding down and season 19 is almost all wrapped up with our newest addition to the Big Brother winners circle. We finally got to visit the jury house which we saw may be the most bitter jury of all time. In what should not be a surprise to anyone Cody isn’t taking the responsibility as a member of Jury to seriously and is refusing to take part in the process. He called Matt a pussy and attempted to storm off. Raven is still completely oblivious to the fact that she was screwed over and is convinced her alliance with Paul never died out and she was, in fact, the “puppet master”. When she said this all of the other houseguests began to laugh at her expense and point out how ridiculous these statements were. Inside the house (which is unfortunately way less entertaining) Paul has continued to be the top dog without even a bump in the road. He’s unstoppable at competitions in these last weeks. The only thing in his way possibly is the fact that he may have overplayed and Josh has bee
Big Brothers S2 Episode 10: Josh, The Hero We Need Right Now
09/09/2017 Duration: 36minWell folks, Chris Stanley is back from his Parisian vacation and that means the band is back together with Power of “Vito” and Chris Stanley giving you the inside scoop to the Big Brother house. Another double eviction has come and the guys are excited as ever for it. Moment of the week though, well for “Power of” Vito it was Josh and Christmas’ argument where she wanted to make sure Josh was aware she wasn’t just another “club whore”. Does anyone else think Christmas is giving Josh way too much credit to even think he would access to “club whores”? With Josh seeming to be catching onto Paul’s game this week, the guys thought there was a chance the Miami sensation could take out “The Rocker” Paul (as the Big Brother voice over guy likes to call Paul). Well, he didn’t, he actually just fed into Paul’s bullshit even more and agreed to go along with some awful plan to trick everyone they were fighting which OF COURSE these idiotic houseguests just went along with. As predictable and boring these past few w
Big Brothers S2 Episode 9: Adam Poch from BB13 in Studio!
01/09/2017 Duration: 01h02minIt’s time for another episode as Big Brothers, the season is winding down and we will have our newest Big Brother winner in less than 20 days. “Power of” Vito was without his trusted co-host Chris Stanley this week but couldn’t go a week without talking Big Brother, so your special co-host for this episode of Big Brothers is … ADAM POCH, from season 13! Adam came in third place in his season and was a real pleasure to talk to. “Power of” Vito and Adam got along right off the bat both being huge fans in this XL episode of Big Brothers. The two could not stop talking about the game and had a lot to say about the demise of Maven, the rise of Paul and how TMZ is just coming after Big Brother this season. Adam was not hesitant to talk about his experience on the show as well. Fun fact: Adam said off-air (don’t worry, said this was fine to say) that when it comes to Jury, the houseguests get that DVD, do their filmed segment and then are not allowed to talk game in between! That didn’t even come up because ther
Big Brothers S2 Episode 8: The Zingbot Cometh
25/08/2017 Duration: 38minPower of “Vito” and his co-host Chris Stanley put it perfectly when they said this was another “medicore” week in the Big Brother house. With Jess and Cody gone, Paul is going full steam ahead with his minions and it looks like there is no stopping him. Last week “Power of” Vito did give Paul credit for playing a good game and choosing not to discredit the vet with the advantages he was given this year. This comes up on this week’s episode where the guys discuss if at this point fans should just accept the interference of production and judge players based on how they use that to their advantage. Jess was most likely given an advantage by production with her halting hex, did she use is the best way she possibly could or waste it? Tweet as @BigBrothersPod what you think. “Power of” Vito also got into an interesting debate with Chris Stanley, the two did not see eye to eye at all. The topic was, should houseguests be made aware of the final vote counts for each eviction, or would gameplay be better because hous
Big Brothers S2 Episode 7: Big Brother 19, Where The Friendship Died
18/08/2017 Duration: 30minOn today’s episode of Big Brothers Power of Vito and Chris Stanley give you the update on everything you need to know with Big Brother 19. The night before this episode was recorded was the season’s double eviction episode which, as Julie Chen loves to put it, is the night where you saw a week of Big Brother play out over an hour. The results were not shocking for anyone paying attention, Cody went home first. Even though Elena screwed over Alex and took $5000 from her, Alex did not go through with her plan to keep Cody and push out Elena. Before Cody walked out the door, he have a speech throwing Alex and Jason under the bus and hoping to get people to make big moves when he was gone, then had a pretty boss exit from the game and walked over the glass table and left. The rest of the night played out in a pretty boring way, Jason won Head of Household and Power of Veto and instead of making a big move, decided to keep things simple and took out Elena. The guy discuss this and how upset they were and if you wa
Big Brothers S2 Episode 6: RIP OTEV The Dope Frog
11/08/2017 Duration: 33minThis week was another exciting week of Big Brother live feeds. Your hosts “Power of” Vito and Chris Stanley are here to guide you through it. This week in the house, Head of Household Josh put up Elena and Mark and since Jess list the temptation challenge she was put on the bock as a third nominee. Cody won the temptation challenge and was safe. With Jess, Mark and Elena on the block it seemed like an obvious choice to go after Jess, but Josh started the week off telling everyone his real target is Elena. The house did not agree with him and Paul especially didn’t think it was a good idea and was adamant about taking out Jess over Elena. When it came time for the Power of Veto competition (which was the return of the yearly OTEV comp, this time, OTEV took the form of a possessed pig), Cody was chosen to play but Christmas used her “Ring of Replacement” power from a few weeks ago to replace him in the competition. Mark ended up winning the Power of Veto competition and (obviously) took himself off the block
Big Brothers S2 Episode 5: Hex Marks The Block
05/08/2017 Duration: 35minIt’s been a crazy two weeks in the Big Brother house. Your hosts of the Big Brothers podcast “Power of” Vito and Chris Stanley were away last week and did not put up an episode. So here is a quick rundown of last week if you need to be caught up. Jess was Head of Household, she even won Power of Veto that week and decided to go after Ramses instead of taking a shot at Paul. She wanted Josh (Paul’s right hand man) to go home and was told by the house he was going home, but Paul convinced everyone to lie to her. When eviction night came, Ramses was evicted and Jess was blindsided by the house along with Cody, Mark and Elena who voted with her. Now it’s a new week in the house and the guys discuss Jess’ temptation, the Halting Hex that she used to stop the eviction from happening and guaranteeing herself and Cody another week in the house. This week also included what will probably go down as one of the best Big Brother live feed fights of all time. A 3 hour standoff between Jess & Cody vs the entire hous
Big Brothers S2 Episode 4: Glenn Garcia BB18 In Studio
25/07/2017 Duration: 37minThis week the Big Brotherss, “Power of” Vito and Chris Stanley welcomed their first guest of the season, Glenn Garcia from Big Brother 18. This was a real exciting chance because the guys wanted to get to know him more than the one episode of the season he was featured in. The Battleback Showdown is over and Cody is back inside the Big Brother house. He beat our Dominique, Cameron and Jillian and then had a one on one battle with Paul to earn his spot back inside the competition. This game at a perfect since Jess had just been given the Halting Hex from the Den of Temptation by America. Jess and Cody continued to have a good week with Jess winning HoH and nominating Ramses and Josh. This week will either be a shift in power to Cody and Jess or Paul will get his people to stick with him and continue to take him all the way to the end of the game. Glenn was a pleasure to have on and was open to talk about his experience. A lot of people don’t realize that even if you get out of the game first, you still spent
Big Brothers S2 Episode 3: Goodbye Cody, We Hardly Knew Ye
15/07/2017 Duration: 36minToday’s episode of Big Brothers features “Power of” Vito and Chris Stanley discussing where they think the house will go from here, if Christmas should be allowed to stay and who is playing the best game. They also make some comparisons to past seasons and ask each other if this season’s twist is good or bad. Tweet @BigBrothersPod if there are any questions you want the guys to answer or any topics you want discussed on a future weeks show!
Big Brothers S2 Episode 2: Cody The Cyborg Serial Killer vs Paul The Production Child
07/07/2017 Duration: 39minThis was a crazy week in the Big Brother house. Easily the craziest house we have had week 1 in quite some time. It’s a first week that Twitter, Reddit, 4Chan and Jokers Updates have all agreed feels like we have been watching for a month already. For the first time in years, the house was split right off the bat and not just everyone agreeing to vote out on person who gamed too hard week 1. Right off the bat after “Power of” Vito and Chris Stanley recorded episode one for Big Brother 19, there was a self-eviction. Megan left the game as the live feeds came on day 1. After she left, HoH and psychopath Cody (The Gun Nut Marine) had to put up a new person on the block, he chose Alex who won the PoV and took herself off (with Cody throwing it to her). At the PoV ceremony, when Alex took herself off the block Cody attempted to put up Paul, but Paul was protected by the Temptation he took for 3 weeks. This shocked the house and forced Cody to put up Christmas (The Crossfit Girl), which set the house off. Nobody on
Big Brothers S2 Episode 1: Your Boys Are Back
29/06/2017 Duration: 27minIt's a new season of Big Brother and the guys from the Holding Kompany have re-branded themselves for Big Brother 19 as the "Big Brothers". "Power of" Vito and Chris Stanley, two self-proclaimed Big Brother experts will attempt to guide you from what Julie Chen is calling "The season of temptation". The guys loved the exclusively online Over The Top cast in their first season covering the competition, find out where they stack up this Big Brother 19 cast against the likes of their favorite OTT house guests like Shelby, Justin and Scott. Don’t keep reading if you don’t want any spoilers…but one of Season 18’s fan favorites and Mr. Second Place “your boy” Paul returned to the house as this season’s vet player. Be aware though, it definitely seemed like the main reason he came back was so producers could have him hand out friendship bracelets as part of a competition. Chris proclaimed his love for this seasons “old man”, Kevin, from Boston, The man with 7 kids who took the $25,000 on the first episode (whic
Big Brother and the HK Episode 18: It All Came Down To This
04/12/2016 Duration: 30minWell everyone it is time to curl up by the fireplace and celebrate one last night in the Big Brother house for the season finale of Big Brother and The Holding Kompany AND BB: Over the Top with “Power of” Vito and Chris Stanley!
Big Brother HK Episode 17: Awaiting the Fallout
01/12/2016 Duration: 14minPower of Vito and Chris Stanley get you prepared for the big finale of Big Brother Over The Top.
Big Brother HK Episode 16: A Friend May Be Leaving
23/11/2016 Duration: 18minListen to this one so Chris feels better about the possible loss of the love of his life, Shelby. The guys give their latest predictions for who will win the game, they'll probably just be wrong again...