Big Brothers

Big Brothers S2 Episode 11: Paul's Pack Of Dogs Bark At The Jury House



The Big Brother season is winding down and season 19 is almost all wrapped up with our newest addition to the Big Brother winners circle. We finally got to visit the jury house which we saw may be the most bitter jury of all time. In what should not be a surprise to anyone Cody isn’t taking the responsibility as a member of Jury to seriously and is refusing to take part in the process. He called Matt a pussy and attempted to storm off.   Raven is still completely oblivious to the fact that she was screwed over and is convinced her alliance with Paul never died out and she was, in fact, the “puppet master”.  When she said this all of the other houseguests began to laugh at her expense and point out how ridiculous these statements were. Inside the house (which is unfortunately way less entertaining) Paul has continued to be the top dog without even a bump in the road. He’s unstoppable at competitions in these last weeks. The only thing in his way possibly is the fact that he may have overplayed and Josh has bee