Big Brothers

Big Brothers S2 Episode 2: Cody The Cyborg Serial Killer vs Paul The Production Child



This was a crazy week in the Big Brother house. Easily the craziest house we have had week 1 in quite some time. It’s a first week that Twitter, Reddit, 4Chan and Jokers Updates have all agreed feels like we have been watching for a month already. For the first time in years, the house was split right off the bat and not just everyone agreeing to vote out on person who gamed too hard week 1. Right off the bat after “Power of” Vito and Chris Stanley recorded episode one for Big Brother 19, there was a self-eviction. Megan left the game as the live feeds came on day 1. After she left, HoH and psychopath Cody (The Gun Nut Marine) had to put up a new person on the block, he chose Alex who won the PoV and took herself off (with Cody throwing it to her). At the PoV ceremony, when Alex took herself off the block Cody attempted to put up Paul, but Paul was protected by the Temptation he took for 3 weeks. This shocked the house and forced Cody to put up Christmas (The Crossfit Girl), which set the house off. Nobody on