Big Brothers

Big Brothers S2 Episode 6: RIP OTEV The Dope Frog



  This week was another exciting week of Big Brother live feeds. Your hosts “Power of” Vito and Chris Stanley are here to guide you through it. This week in the house, Head of Household Josh put up Elena and Mark and since Jess list the temptation challenge she was put on the bock as a third nominee. Cody won the temptation challenge and was safe. With Jess, Mark and Elena on the block it seemed like an obvious choice to go after Jess, but Josh started the week off telling everyone his real target is Elena. The house did not agree with him and Paul especially didn’t think it was a good idea and was adamant about taking out Jess over Elena. When it came time for the Power of Veto competition (which was the return of the yearly OTEV comp, this time, OTEV took the form of a possessed pig), Cody was chosen to play but Christmas used her “Ring of Replacement” power from a few weeks ago to replace him in the competition. Mark ended up winning the Power of Veto competition and (obviously) took himself off the block