Big Brothers

Big Brothers S2 Episode 8: The Zingbot Cometh



Power of “Vito” and his co-host Chris Stanley put it perfectly when they said this was another “medicore” week in the Big Brother house. With Jess and Cody gone, Paul is going full steam ahead with his minions and it looks like there is no stopping him. Last week “Power of” Vito did give Paul credit for playing a good game and choosing not to discredit the vet with the advantages he was given this year. This comes up on this week’s episode where the guys discuss if at this point fans should just accept the interference of production and judge players based on how they use that to their advantage. Jess was most likely given an advantage by production with her halting hex, did she use is the best way she possibly could or waste it? Tweet as @BigBrothersPod what you think. “Power of” Vito also got into an interesting debate with Chris Stanley, the two did not see eye to eye at all. The topic was, should houseguests be made aware of the final vote counts for each eviction, or would gameplay be better because hous