Big Brothers

Big Brothers S2 Episode 4: Glenn Garcia BB18 In Studio



This week the Big Brotherss, “Power of” Vito and Chris Stanley welcomed their first guest of the season, Glenn Garcia from Big Brother 18. This was a real exciting chance because the guys wanted to get to know him more than the one episode of the season he was featured in. The Battleback Showdown is over and Cody is back inside the Big Brother house. He beat our Dominique, Cameron and Jillian and then had a one on one battle with Paul to earn his spot back inside the competition. This game at a perfect since Jess had just been given the Halting Hex from the Den of Temptation by America. Jess and Cody continued to have a good week with Jess winning HoH and nominating Ramses and Josh. This week will either be a shift in power to Cody and Jess or Paul will get his people to stick with him and continue to take him all the way to the end of the game. Glenn was a pleasure to have on and was open to talk about his experience. A lot of people don’t realize that even if you get out of the game first, you still spent