Big Brothers

BB21 Episode 7: The Taco Tuesday Takedown



Power of Vito and Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) give you the best recap you can get, this week in Big Brother.   Taco Tuesday - The fight that broke up the house. Analyse – The statement stands, the pawn always goes home and why is it more common this season than ever. Even though this season has had some big moments are vote flips, why does it just not feel fun to watch at all? The newest twist! The Prankster. What will it be and what does it mean for the week. Where does Nick stand now? Christie’s game play. Is she a great player? How did she end up staying this week and can she go further. How many times can Christie’s manifestation be wrong? Did Kaitlyn create a new BB Archetype? This seasons first wall screamer Predictions for the week