Big Brothers

Big Brothers Jury Round Table: Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) and Enzo Palumbo (Big Brother 12)



  The Big Brother 20 season is coming to an end and the Big Brothers are sick of you only getting a short Jury Roundtable segment on Finale night so wanted to give you their own version hosted by “Power of” Vito Calise with Guests Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) and Enzo Palumbo (Big Brother 12). Both of them were the 3rd place finishers of their season so they never got to be a part of a Jury Roundtable themselves, this is their chance. Topics Discussed on the Round Table Were: Who do we think is going to win? Who has the strongest case? What is everyone’s case to win the game? What was the biggest moment of the season? What points does everyone need to hit in their speech to the Jury? Enzo and Adam give last Jury experience Did anyone deserve to be here more? Lets talk JC possibilities and how that would change the game Where does this rank in Final 2s in Big Brother history. Could Angela’s exit interview prove that Tyler’s game is fucked Was the biggest moment in the game done by someone in the final? What jury