Creatives Meet Business

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Retirement* (*But Were Afraid to Ask)



Hi there folks! Creatives Meet Business is an event and podcast series based out of Austin, Texas for creatives of ALL disciplines to get from zero to one in thinking of themselves as business owners (in the creative sector). We record the content for this podcast at our live events. This episode features five Financial Planners, all sharing insights into retirement and everything you always wanted to know about IRAs* (*but were afraid to ask): 1:23 - Bill Simonet, Simonet Wealth Management  Build up savings first IRA (prioritize AFTER savings) - traditional or Roth, Simple or SEP Once you start adding employees, then add in 401(k)s Income matters for IRAs, Revenue matters for 401(k)s Separate personal assets from professional, build savings for small business. Become "ramen profitable" - then start focusing on IRAs and 401(k)s 7:26 - Chris Baum, Palermo Wealth Management Vehicles for small business owners - SEP IRA, Simple IRA and Solo 401(k) He's a huge fan of Solo 401(k) Competition has made ev