Raise Your Vibe

156 - Manifesting Blueprint



This is an episode for practical people who want a step-by-step action plan to manifest more clients and money into their business. GRAB THE FREE WORKBOOK AT: https://tonyarineer.com/TV01 If you're part of my tribe, you're an action taker. You aren't the type to sit around and wait for shit to happen. You want to know what to focus on everyday to grow your business. You want to check things off your to-do list so that you can feel like you're moving forward. I get it. I'm the same way. I've been studying (and using) the law of attraction for years. In the beginning, it sounded so wonderful and fluffy—just be happy and the universe will fill your world with sunshine and rainbows. That whole woo-woo philosophy just didn't compute with me. I had no desire to take a passive role in my life or business. I needed an action plan (that's how I'm wired) and I needed to understand how this whole manifestation thing worked, for real, so that I could turn it into a process.  It took a few years, but I did it. In this epi