The Raise Your Vibe Podcast helps women tame their inner mean girl and increase their confidence with positive self-talk. Using positivity and the law of attraction to understand our inner energies and calm stress and anxiety, Tonya Rineer is the girl you've always wanted in your corner! She tells it like it is and dishes out real life ACTIONABLE advice that will help you ditch your limiting beliefs and change the way you think and feel about yourself- forever!
164 - Proving Yourself is NOT a Requirement
20/07/2021 Duration: 09minProving yourself is absolutely 100%, not a requirement. We tell ourselves that if we just do this thing (Insert BS story here) that we'll feel more ready, more confident, more qualified. . . and that others will take us more seriously. But the truth is. . . the only requirement to being successful is that you believe in yourself! If you've been telling yourself that you have to: - Work for free before you can put yourself out there as an expert -Get a list of powerful testimonials before you can start to charge what you're skills and services are worth -Get a fancy degree or certification to prove that you're qualified -Get your work published before people will take you seriously This episode is for you! xo
163 - Aligned Business Decisions
13/07/2021 Duration: 12minWhen it comes to business decisions, how do you know if the doubt is coming from a place of fear or misalignment? Fear is just you telling yourself that you aren't enough (it's a lie). Misalignment, on the other hand, is your intuition screaming, "You deserve more than this! You can do better! Run the other way. . . Hurry!!!!" So today, we're getting into some practical woo as I share with you a little trick I learned on how to use your sacral response to make powerfully intuitive business decisions that will always lead you on the right path!
162 - The Buyer's Journey
06/07/2021 Duration: 13minYou may have heard of the "buyer's journey" or "customer journey" before when marketers reference the stages and thought processes that influence each stage as your ideal client goes interacts with your brand—pre and post-sale. You might even think of it as somewhat of a sales funnel. I like to refer to the buyer's journey as a trust funnel because, when you're selling services (rather than commodity products) it isn't about convincing them to buy your product, it's about building trust so you don't have to do any convincing at all! Once you have your trust funnel in place, you'll easily be able to take your ideal clients on a journey from not having any idea who you are (aka total stranger) through getting to know you, falling in love with you, hiring you and then telling everybody about you and why you're amazing and why they should hire you too! There are six components of this trust-building journey, and, in this episode, we're going to get to them all.
161 - 5 V's of Branding
29/06/2021 Duration: 20minLet's talk about what you need to think about when building your personal brand in order to stand out and get noticed by those ideal clients that you want to attract and work with. If you're like most people, when you hear the word "branding" you probably think about logos and color palettes. And while that is one aspect of branding, we're going to go a lot deeper, because your personal brand is more than your logo and your color palettes. It's an extension of you, it's your personality, it's who you are, what you stand for, and what makes you different than all the other people out there doing the exact same thing that you do. And the more clarity you have around that, the more confident you're going to be putting that information out there and standing in that power so that you can attract the clients you align with. Getting to a place of clarity & confidence with your messaging and branding does take a little bit of inner work. You have to be willing to stand in your power, own your brilliance and
160 - Building Trust Before the Sale
22/06/2021 Duration: 11minThere is no greater feeling than getting on a "sales" call and having the conversation feel like you're talking to your soul sister—where there isn't a single moment that you don't feel like you have to prove your value or convince them that you can help them because they already know. They're ready to say "yes" before they even get on the call with you. The secret to having sales calls that don't require you to "sell" your services is in building a trusting relationship before the call ever happens. Get the show notes HERE. Download the FREE PRICING GUIDE.
159 - How to Pay Yourself
15/06/2021 Duration: 12minAt the end of the day, you are the most important employee in your business, whether you are working solo, or whether you have a team, your business cannot function without you, you are the heart and soul of it. You have to start making yourself a priority and taking care of yourself financially! When you pay yourself, even if it's just a little bit at first, you will have an entirely different mindset that you carry with you and you'll show up in your business with a different energy. You'll show up feeling valued, respected, and more confident in the work you do. When you value yourself, you'll send out that "I'm worth it" vibe, and others will value you, too. You'll own your worth, stand confident in your pricing, and attract clients to you who also value your work and are willing to invest in the services you offer. In this episode, we're talking about how to get in the mindset of paying yourself and how to set up your financials to make it simple to actually do it. Get the shownotes. Get the FRE
158 - Niching Down
08/06/2021 Duration: 15minThe fastest way to grow your business as a coach, consultant or creative-service provider is to niche down. Let's talk about what a niche is, why it's so important and how to do it! In this episode, we're going to cover: What does it really mean to niche down (and how not to get it confused with an ideal client avatar) Why it's so important to niche down (I've got at least six really good reasons that you need to know about!) How to get over the mindset blocks that might be stopping you from choosing a niche to grow your business. Get the shownotes HERE.
157 - Creating a 5-Minute Manifesting Routine
28/09/2020 Duration: 08minGrab the FREE WORKBOOK that goes with this episode at: Creating a high vibe routine is important because you're always manifesting—attracting opportunities, clients and things that match your vibrational frequency. Meaning, if you are high vibe, you are sending high-vibe signals out to the universe that act as boomerangs, and they find things that match that frequency and they bring them back to you. So, if you are in a high vibe state, you're going to attract clients that are excited and ready to invest in hiring you, because they also high vibe (i.e. aligned with their own value and ready to invest in themselves), Your mindset is like a muscle—you've got to work it everyday to keep it in shape. Just like working out, mindset work has to become a habit. That's why I recommend creating a daily routine that will get you into the habit of raising your vibe to the frequencies that allow you to manifest the things you want.
156 - Manifesting Blueprint
14/09/2020 Duration: 16minThis is an episode for practical people who want a step-by-step action plan to manifest more clients and money into their business. GRAB THE FREE WORKBOOK AT: If you're part of my tribe, you're an action taker. You aren't the type to sit around and wait for shit to happen. You want to know what to focus on everyday to grow your business. You want to check things off your to-do list so that you can feel like you're moving forward. I get it. I'm the same way. I've been studying (and using) the law of attraction for years. In the beginning, it sounded so wonderful and fluffy—just be happy and the universe will fill your world with sunshine and rainbows. That whole woo-woo philosophy just didn't compute with me. I had no desire to take a passive role in my life or business. I needed an action plan (that's how I'm wired) and I needed to understand how this whole manifestation thing worked, for real, so that I could turn it into a process. It took a few years, but I did it. In this epi
154 - Playing for Your Fans
11/03/2020 Duration: 06minWhen you feel imposter syndrome kicking in, when you start to question your abilities, your expertise or decisions. . . this episode is a reminder to refocus your energy and attention on what really matters.
153 - Morning Gratitude Meditation
26/02/2020 Duration: 07minListen to this episode first thing in the morning or whenever you need a boost of positivity to raise your vibe and refocus on all of the blessings in your life. It takes 17 seconds to stop a negative thought cycle and 90 seconds to reset your emotions. This audio gives you six minutes of pure positivity—more than enough to start your day with gratitude, love and positive intention! You're about to have a really great day. And you deserve nothing less! For more audio's like this one, visit There's a vault of resources waiting there for you!
152 - Trigger Moments
05/02/2020 Duration: 17minWe all get triggered. It's human nature to see someone who has something that you don't have (and desire) and feel a tinge of jealousy or insecurity. . . it's what you do with that, that matters. The information that particular trigger is giving you can either help you or haunt you. It can elevate you to your next level or it can wear you down. It can help you manifest your best life or it can keep you stuck where you are. Listen as Tonya gives you tips to help you: Identify the subtle moments that trigger you (we all have them!) Learn what your triggers are trying to tell you Use this *new* information to make quantum leaps in your life Inspire others (like your kids) by helping them to rise above their triggers, too. To learn more about Tonya, inquire about coaching or book her to speak at your event, please visit:
151 - It's Okay to Cry
03/06/2019 Duration: 07minToday we're diving into energy work because it is so important. When is the last time you had a good cry? I mean, when is the last time you had a really good, ugly kind of cry? And do you do it often? How often do you cry? We are talking about crying because it's an important part of energy work. Using Energy Work Like Reiki Uncovering an Avalanche of Emotions Following the Flow of the Vibe Scale Masculine Energy and Being a Strong Force How Unbalanced Energy Affects Us How Crying Allows You To Balance Energy You Have Permission to Cry It Out Links Mentioned: Like my Facebook Page Get my meditations, pep talks and more.
150 - Their Opinion Doesn't Count
22/04/2019 Duration: 11minToday, I want to talk to you about other people's opinions. And more importantly, how to pull back from them and take back the power that you're so used to giving to them. Because when it all comes down to it, their opinion doesn't count. The only opinion that matters is yours. Recently, I've been getting comments here and there on Facebook, haters on the internet that just don't have nice things to say. Because they feel like the internet and posting negative, icky, low-vibe comments is something that is appropriate and must make them feel good. And sometimes I am the target of their negativity, as you may be as well. I have a way of dealing with that that may be helpful for you when you're dealing with other people's negative opinions, and that is simply to take a step back and observe, not absorb, that comment. It's in that moment that you have a choice. You can choose to give those words power by agreeing with them and attaching a feeling to them, allowing them to feel true in your body. Or you can pause,
149 - The Comparison Trap
15/04/2019 Duration: 17minWe all fall into a comparison trap, that negative cycle of thoughts and inadequate feelings that lead us to believe that we are not good enough. What if every time we had a comparison thought, what if those lipstick red polka dots automatically appeared on our face? Can you imagine how polka-dotted we'd all look? It's just something we all do because it's habitual. And oftentimes, these are automatic thoughts that happen without us even being aware that they're happening. They cause feelings of self-doubt, insecurity, inadequacy, and they can manipulate the way we show up in life. They could stop us from taking action, stop us from going after our dreams and acquiring what it is that we want out of life. They really can stop us from living our best life, and we don't even know that they're happening. That's not good. So that's what we want to address today. Comparison to Fit In Comparison to Feel Good Getting Out of the Comparison Trap Questions to Ask Yourself Comparison Takeaway Keep your eyes on your own p
148 - Your Energy Type + How to Work with It
08/04/2019 Duration: 12minToday we are talking about energy, and specifically, your energy type. There are four different sources of energy that we each have and we must find the balance between them to avoid burn out. A habit that so many of us get into is spending too much of our time or focusing too much on one type of energy. You know what they say? "Everything in moderation is a good thing, it leads to balance, but too much of a good thing is toxic." That definitely applies when it comes to energy. So let's talk about the four types of energy. There is focused energy, social energy, physical energy and restful energy, and in order to maintain high levels of energy in all of these areas we have to give them each a little bit of attention and love and incorporate them into our day. And when we neglect all of these areas and focus too much attention one over the other, we can end up totally drained. Avoiding Energy Burn Out Which Energy is Lacking? I have a challenge for you. Make it a priority for the next seven days to see how y
147 - Money Manifesting Routine
01/04/2019 Duration: 13minWe all are open to receiving more money, right? That's always a good thing. But, in order to attract more money, we have to know a few things. We have to be really clear about what it is that we want. How much money we want and why. We have to be aligned with the energy of receiving that money and believe it's possible. Last week, we talked about why the law of attraction may not be working for you and what to do about it. And if you've already listened to that episode, great, you're ready for this one. If you have not, I suggest you go back and listen. If you spend three minutes on visualization, three minutes on gratitude, and three minutes affirming, meaning digging in your brain to find the proof that what it is that you desire is possible, you are going to get into that manifestation zone. Now, you could spend 10 minutes doing this every morning. So let's break down this morning routine: visualization, gratitude, and affirmations. What to do and why are they so important? Visualization Gratitude Affirmat
146 - Why the Law of Attraction Isn't Working
25/03/2019 Duration: 18minWhat we don't realize is that our negative thought patterns are the very things that create negative emotions and sabotaging behaviors. They are blocking the things that we want most from manifesting. There's something you've got your eye on. You've been thinking about it for quite some time and it's just not happening for you. This episode is for you because we are going to address why it seems that the law of attraction isn't working in your favor. Now, here's the thing. The law of attraction is a law. It's a universal law like the law of gravity. It's always working. You can't turn it on and off. That's just not possible. The question is, whether you are allowing it to work in your favor, or if you're blocking the energy, which means it's almost working against you, or at least it feels that way. There are several major reasons why that is. So we're going to talk about those today. The mistakes you are making: You know what to do You manifest in desperation mode You don't believe it's possible for you Yo
145 - Creating a 90-Day Goal Plan for your Business
18/03/2019 Duration: 12minI know you are a productivity powerhouse, or you want to be. We're always looking to improve our proficiency at getting more done in less time and preserving our energy, and feeling good about the way that we move along our journey, our path. We have these dreams, these ambitions, and sometimes it can get kind of hectic deciding which one to focus on and what to do. It's hard to compartmentalize your life. There's a lot of things going on and your passion that you have in all these areas of life that are important. So let's talk goals for a minute. Anything less than 90-days and you're really cheating yourself. You're not giving yourself a chance to really create that momentum, test the water, figure out what works for you, what doesn't work for you, and make tweaks and adjustments. In 30 days there's a learning curve, especially if your goal requires the adoption of new habits or a new habit of mind, a new mindset. It takes a minute. I also don't believe in realistic goals. We are aiming for progress. We tal