The Raise Your Vibe Podcast helps women tame their inner mean girl and increase their confidence with positive self-talk. Using positivity and the law of attraction to understand our inner energies and calm stress and anxiety, Tonya Rineer is the girl you've always wanted in your corner! She tells it like it is and dishes out real life ACTIONABLE advice that will help you ditch your limiting beliefs and change the way you think and feel about yourself- forever!
144 - Managing Expectations (+ Disappointment)
11/03/2019 Duration: 12minToday we’re talking about the pattern of feeling disappointed and how to rise above it so that it doesn't drag you down into that low-vibe place that slows you down and stops you from being the badass you are and achieving what you're capable of.
143 - Mastering Your To-Do List
04/03/2019 Duration: 16minWe all struggle with procrastination. We all struggle with the problem or the habit of putting things on our to-do list that just get moved to the next day. Then tomorrow comes and they get moved to the next day. They’ve been lingering on your to-do list for so long that you just don’t care. You’re not trying to get them off anymore. Eh, whatever! It will get done when it gets done. I’m guilty of that. I know you’re guilty of that. I want to help you get over that. There are a few mental, mindset hacks that we can do to make your to-do list more efficient. 1) You need to know what motivates you to get those things on the to-do list done. Start with an action word. 2) Break all of the things on your to-do list into small tasks. 3) Chunk similar tasks together. 4) Have fun with it. 5) Create a done list. 6) Schedule Reviews 7) Plan Ahead These have massively helped me over the years. Sometimes I fall off the wagon and I have to come back and recommit When I’m in these habits I get so much more done and
142 - Appreciating the Journey
25/02/2019 Duration: 11minI hope you’re in the mood for a little pep talk today because I’m feeling called to give you one. We’re going to talk about expectations. I want you to ask yourself, “What do I expect of myself?” Do you expect yourself to perform at a superhuman level, where you go at super speed, get it all done with perfection, make everyone in the world happy and you still have time for your family, your work/career/business, a little self-love, oh and you want to eat and sleep in there, too, right? Join the VibeTribe (it's free!):
141 - Living with Chronic Complainers
18/02/2019 Duration: 10minToday, we are digging into some high vibe fun because I know you are dealing with some struggles at home, at work, or your life where you feel like the most positive person in the room sometimes. You have been doing all of this amazing work to increase your confidence, raise your vibe, work on your mindset, become more positive and really get more in control of your own thoughts. Not everybody is on the same page as you. Not everybody is doing the work. Join the VibeTribe (it's free!): Get the shownotes:
140 - People you spend time with
11/02/2019 Duration: 19minAre you truly the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with? Today we are digging into this topic. It's so juicy! It can create so much confusion as to what it means and how to break it down. Recently on a Vibe Tribe call we discussed this topic. One of the girls actually asked me, Is this true? Or are you in control of your thoughts? They kind of contradict themselves if you think of it. Are you pulled into the energy of the people you surround yourself with and do you become one with them or are you in control of your thoughts and energy no matter where you are? Join the VibeTribe (it's free!): Get the shownotes:
139 - 7 Spiritual Laws of Wealth
01/01/2019 Duration: 27minThese 7 Spiritual Laws will help you attain the wealth and abundance you desire. Sometimes they're referred to as universal laws. They are operating in the background whether you are consciously aware nor not. It's like gravity, it's always working, whether you want it to or not. When you learn to recognize them and work them, you are able to make sure they work in your favor instead of feeling like they are working against you. It is simply a matter of making a few mindset shifts to get into the flow of abundance. This is a high-vibe energetic state with positive energy. Because you are putting out the positive energy, you are getting positive results. But following these spiritual laws you will be shifting your vibe and getting into flow where money will just come naturally and easily to you. This is the perfect episode for you!
138 - 5 Secrets to Manifesting Like a Boss!
18/12/2018 Duration: 20minWomen come to me all the time and ask me, "How do I manifest more money? More clients? My dream house? A buyer for my house? A vacation that I want? A new jeep? How do I make this happen?" We'll start talking about manifesting and what I always find is that everyone makes it more complicated than it needs to be. It is not hard. It is simply a matter of changing your point of attraction, your vibe, your energetic frequency. The things you are attracting to you are always an energetic match to your vibration. There are no stairs to climb, because stairs mean hustle. Hustle isn't a part of the law of attraction. There's no elevator, you can't have something else do the work for you. You have to do the vibrational work. You have to change your point of attraction. Raise your vibe up where all good things happen. Keep it there and maintain it. Maintaining it seems to be the struggle.
137 - Success & Self-Worth: High-Achievers and People-Pleasers
06/11/2018 Duration: 16minWhat is your "success" personality type? Are you driven by high-achievement and accomplishment? Or do you value external validation and praise from others? These internal drivers might motivate you to achieve success in life and business, but they could also be sabotaging your self-worth and leaving you feeling unfulfilled and restless. In this episode, discover what is driving you and what you can do to be BOTH successful AND deeply fulfilled in your life and business. ;-)
136 - Angel Numbers + What They Mean
30/10/2018 Duration: 10minIn this episode we are talking about angel numbers. I love angel numbers because to me they serve as an anchor or a reminder to not only check my thoughts and tune into my vibration but they are little messages from my angels or spirit guides or the Universe that are kind of like a parent saying good job honey or giving me a pat on the back to let me know I'm on the right track. I just love that feeling and I'm sure you do too which is why you are going to love this conversation. If manifesting is something you have been wanting to check out, you have to check out Manifesting Made Easy. I'm walking you through my exact 5-step process for making manifestation easy so you know exactly what to focus on and what action to take in what order. Plus it includes a 14-page workbook and over 15 bonus tools to get your vibe high and to align you with your energy.
135 - My Morning Manifesting Ritual
23/10/2018 Duration: 11minManifesting routines or rituals are so important in the morning because sleep resets us. When we wake up in the morning we have a choice. We can choose at that point to elevate our vibe and in a high-vibe way, where anything is possible, or we can complain and we can choose not to step into that high-vibe place. Either way, it’s a choice. You might be looking for some kind of practice that will help you get into the groove of high-vibe energy that allows your manifestation to occur. If you want a specific breakdown, check out the manifesting guide I made for you, it’s step by step in order.
134 - Overcoming People-Pleasing Tendencies
16/10/2018 Duration: 21minWe tend to prioritize harmony over everything, whether that be in business or our life in general. However, too much of it can send us too far back away from our true selves. In turn, we become engrossed with people-pleasing, forgetting who we are and want we want in the first place. We just choose to blend or fit in rather than choose to standout. It becomes hard for us to say “no” that we end up overworked and lost. Go deeper into yourself and identify the people-pleasing tendencies that affect your life and your business. Find out the ways to break away from them as you realize how you must respect and value yourself first before others will. If you are a woman in business and you feel like you are hitting a wall or you're stuck and you just can't figure out why; you know what you should be doing in your business but at the same time you are gripped by feelings of fear doubt and anxiety and you just can't seem to move forward I invite you to check out Vibe Tribe Coaching.
133 - 7 Signs You're Suffering From Imposter Syndrome
09/10/2018 Duration: 18minImposter syndrome is a nasty little parasite that embeds itself in your mind and continues to infect your life and business.
132 - How To Stop Undercharging and Get Paid Your Worth
03/10/2018 Duration: 16minWe don't want to risk our healthy client relationships and often we become an undercharger. When we undercharge our services, we sabotage our businesses.
131 - Aligning To Your Source Of Energy And Purpose
25/09/2018 Duration: 21minWe are in our businesses because of a purpose. This purpose is what points us to find fulfillment and happiness in all aspects of our lives. Yet, many find it hard to reconnect with their purpose that they end up losing the potentials and values. Here, we talk about how to become a money whisperer and share three actions you can take in your business to move it forward in a way that aligns with your source of energy and truth. Tackling also the difference between inspiration and motivation, you will learn and find the great feeling of realignment that brings you back to the flow and abundance of your purpose.
130 - Self-Promotion: Feeling Good About Who You Are And What You Bring To The World
18/09/2018 Duration: 12minHow do you feel about self-promotion? Does it come naturally to you or does the idea of talking about yourself and what you do freak you out? It would be so much easier if we never have to talk about what we do and clients just come knocking down our door going, "I heard you were awesome. Can I pay you?" but it doesn't work that way. We have to tell the world what we do. We have to let people know that we're available and we want to help. Learn how you can think about self-promotion in a new way and flip the switch so that it’s easier to talk about who you are, how you serve, and what difference you make in the lives of others. You're here to make an impact and to make a difference. You can't do that if people don't know you're available for it.
129 - Six Signs That You’re Developing A Positive Mindset
11/09/2018 Duration: 20minWhat you think dictates how you will feel, and that will manifest in the way you live your life. Having a positive mindset is therefore a key to living a life full of happiness, love, and fulfillment. Follow through as you learn the six signs you’re developing a positive mindset. Create waves of positive energy and identify within yourself what you need to work on in order to achieve that state of utter positivity. If you find yourself living these signs, maintain them and help inspire other people as well.
128 - How We Measure Our Own Self-Worth
04/09/2018 Duration: 13minIn our society, we are brainwashed to measure worth with wealth. That is not exactly true. The amount of money you make, the accomplishments or the accolades that you have achieved in your life have nothing to do with your self-worth. You don’t have to have a million-dollar business in order to make a difference, in order to make an impact, and in order to help and serve. Some people think that when they hit that seven-figure mark, then they’re going to feel worthy. It isn’t going to happen because for those people, nothing is ever enough. They are measuring their success based on what they perceive other people think about them. What makes you amazing is the way you show up, the way you bring light to the world, the way you serve, the way you connect. It's the love in your heart and the willingness to give it away and receive it. The question is do you have what it takes to be yourself? Are you brave enough to show up, to speak your truth, and to share your gifts?
127 - Getting Rid Of The Emotional Baggage Of Money And Debt
14/08/2018 Duration: 11minAmerica has debt. Anyone who’s listening to this or reading this has in some way or form a little bit of debt, and that debt creates some emotional baggage. It's heavy and it can be a negative feeling if you have a negative relationship with your debt. When we get the bill and we look at it, we allow it to stress us out and we feel guilty and shamed. We feel an intense amount of remorse and we make it a right or wrong issue. What most people don’t realize is that debt is there for us and credit is a great thing. Get a clear understanding about money and debt so you can look at debt as a gift and as a way for us to live our life in this world.
126 - Moving Past Negative Emotions And Mastering Your Mindset
07/08/2018 Duration: 22minNo matter how bright and sunny the world is, we can’t help but be cocooned into our own world of fear and negativity. These undeniably keep us from ever pushing ourselves to a better path and reaching goals and dreams. Tonya shares some tips to help move past the negative emotions and go forward by mastering your mindset. Laying down overcoming fear and getting hold of our thoughts, she teaches the 90-second power pose and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) that you can use to release those feelings of negativity. Learn from Tonya as she shows how we can transform the ways we deal with our present lives, pushing us to become better and blissful.
125 - Mindset Switch: Three Simple Steps To Building Your Relationships, Getting The Sale, And Making Money In Your Business
31/07/2018 Duration: 19minWhen it comes to pitching, men are more to the point and they're more direct. That has its definite advantages because you're not tiptoeing around and you’re able to be more assertive about where the relationship is going. Women, however, value relationships so much that we sometimes become afraid to ruin it by making an offer. Instead of ever telling the other person what you do or how you can benefit them or how you might be able to work together, instead of ever making that pitch, you end up building a wonderful relationship but it never goes anywhere financially. You don’t want to be stuck in that. You need to make a mindset switch and position yourself somewhere in the middle and find that common ground of nurturing your potential clients, not just because you think they might buy from you but because you're genuinely concerned about their well-being.