Raise Your Vibe

094 - The mindset hack you need to achieve your business goals



So what is a mindset hack?  Well, for starters the definition of a hack is to jury-rig or improvise something inelegant but effective, usually as a temporary solution to a problem. So it is not pretty, but it works and the problem becomes once you see how well it works, you'll repeat it and it will become your new normal, no longer a temporary solution.  While hacks aren't usually pretty, this mindset hack is one that you will want to keep applying to your business. Are you ready for it? IN THIS EPISODE Let's talk about the problem then we'll get to the solution. Does this sound like you? Problem: Focusing on the How Every year you set goals for the new year. Bright eyed and bushy tailed, you say to yourself, "This is my year!" Something about the new beginning gives you a mental reset. Out with the old, in with the new. The new you! Ready for anything. This is the year your dreams come true! You start dreaming about what you want to accomplish in a year. You make a vision board. You buy one of those pretty n