Raise Your Vibe

087 - How to Have Your Best Year Ever



IN THIS EPISODE Think of the decisions you have made in the past, whether you were really on board or maybe it wasn't such a good decision. Imagine how different things would have been if you hadn't made that decision. All of the time we say "I wish I had done this instead." But I'm a firm believer in no regrets. Instead, let's focus on what you can do today to ensure that you have the best future ever.  How I learned to have my best year ever For me, it's all thanks to Hal Elrold and his Best Year Ever Blueprint. I found my way at this event during a crucial pivot in my business life. I was pivoting from interior design to business coaching and I was feeling doubt, fear, shame, insecurity, uncertaintly and more.  I started asking myself, "Can I really do this? Is this really possible for me?" Then I would argue with that voice and shortly after that the voice of fear would kick in. I was in a spiral. Not only was I struggling with all of these negative emotions within myself, but I was feeling alone because