Raise Your Vibe

076 - Overcoming the Fear of Rejection



We all have money mindset issues that we are consistently working to improve, yes, even me. In my latest challenge, I helped others to identify their mindset issues and work through them - this is what we found out and how you can work through your mindset blocks too. IN THIS EPISODE 0:27 I'm going to give feedback from the recent Money Mindset challenge we just completed in the Profit Party Facebook group. We switch this up depending on what people need help with, whether it's goals, the way we think about money, the way we step out and go into the next step in business. Well, that's my jam and that's what I love to help you figure out and that's what we did last week. When we got to the point where we needed to take action and implement, that's the hardest part. When it comes to implementation, we did a little bit of goal setting, looked at what's not serving us and something that doesn't require a lot of actions. 2:14 As soon as you take a step out of your comfort zone, it's like the life jacket comes off