Raise Your Vibe

074 - Why Self-Service is the Secret to Success



Self-service is important not just for you, but for those around you. Join me in this episode to refresh your mindset in how taking care of yourself is actually helping those in your life. IN THIS EPISODE 0:20 It is awesome to have you here today. Because you're here and because I love you and because I want you to take care of yourself, we're going to talk about self-service. How to nurture your tribe by taking care of yourself first. 0:46 Let me tell you what I mean - so often we are people pleasers. That's our primary concern and we are empathetic. We can tell the emotions of other people and tend to pick those up. You might be on the phone with someone and they aren't saying something, but you know something is wrong. You end up asking them what's going on and then end up offering your gift of time or doing something outside of your zone of genius. You want to help them out so you end up working on something like tech. Samantha Johnston is the one you want to call, not me. But clients have asked me and I