Raise Your Vibe

071 - What Comes First? The Money or the Sales Funnel?



If you think you need a sales funnel, you might be right OR you might be wrong. Listen to this episode to see if you need to do more work in your business before you build a funnel and spend money on courses. IN THIS EPISODE 0:33 Today we're going to talk about why you don't need a sales funnel. With all this talk of funnels, or if I have one more person who comes to me and says the reason why I'm not making money is that my funnels aren't working. No, there were no sales funnels 20 years ago. Before you can really implement a sales funnel is you have to have relationships, and you have to have something that people want. 1:56 It's an amazing tool to implement something that is already working. There are so many women who don't have anything to sell and they're learning how to make a funnel. And why? It's a mindset issue. It's laziness, they're afraid to have a conversation with their ideal client and find out what they really want and maybe they'll get answers they aren't prepared for. 2:55 It might mean you