Raise Your Vibe

070 - 3 Limiting Belief Triggers To Watch Out For



What do you do when you see things that make you fearful, when you hear things that keep you down and discouraged, and feel things that reaffirm your fear or anxiety? In this episode of the Profit Party Podcast, I address how these things you see, hear and feel are limiting beliefs and they can keep you stuck. But, I also talk about how to move past them. You need to listen to this episode. IN THIS EPISODE 0:19 Thanks for joining me today! Today we're going to talk about how to tune into those limiting beliefs that stir up inside us and keep us from moving forward. A limiting belief is a lie we tell ourselves to keep us safe. That's a lie that tells you that it's not safe to take that next step or pitch that podcast. It's not safe to go to that event or start that business. It's not safe to put yourself out there. We could go on and on all day. There's something you know you should be doing but you can't. These limiting beliefs keep you safe and help keep you stuck in the same patterns. That's what your subco