Raise Your Vibe

069 - Your S&M Relationship with Money



What does S&M have to do with your money relationship? A whole lot more than what you would think. Join me to talk about S&M and getting comfy with your money. Because we all want to have a good relationship with money. IN THIS EPISODE 0:20 Are you into S&M? WHAT! Yes, we are talking about S&M. But about money. It has a lot more to do with money than you think. S&M (Servant and Master) is deriving pleasure from pain. If you've seen 50 Shades of Gray, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, you need to see it because it's amazing. 1:16 It's not about the orgasm, it's an emotional release of sorts. That's the interesting thing about money, in the long run, what we do with money, we get pleasure from that release that lights us up. It's the release of letting go of the control of money in that moment when we buy something. Either way, it's pleasure seeking and pain avoidance in the moment. 2:29 You are a dominant when it comes to money - you most likely spend because you like to feel